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Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 0 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
Year: 2022  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

Switch-Chen Zhonghua English Instructor Class 20220408
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Switch-Chen Zhonghua English Instructor Class 20220408. You move the top with the opponent till you reach a point that you are losing your balance. At the critical moment you switch your move to your lower body. This is uppper and lowerbody switch.
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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 3 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2022  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Conversion-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20220407
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    Conversion-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20220407. In this case conversion is accomplished by matching the power in a different dimension or direction.
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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 4 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2022  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Ning Zuan-Chen Zhonghua English Instructor Class 20220408
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    Ning Zuan-Chen Zhonghua English Instructor Class 20220408. Grind (twist) and drill. The waist only rotates horizontally. The forward movement comes from a special stepping. The down-ward grind comes from the knee going dow. This is a typical Practical Method drilling/grinding combination.
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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2022  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Zheng-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20220127
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    Zheng 挣, an outward expanding force, must be present at all times. It is a more concrete expression for the taiji idea of Peng energy. Peng is more like a concept and Zheng is more like the action.

    In general the five heads (two hands, two feet and one head) must always stay outward. This requires the five to Zheng outwards all the time.

    In this video, Master Chen Zhonghua explains this idea of Zheng in theory and in relation to taiji movements.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 3 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2022  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Stretch A Stick-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20220127
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    You have to stretch the body parts involved to make them a stick. Then you can rotate this stick.
    This is a crucial preparation for any further actions in Taiji movements.
    In free movements, one must rotate as action regardless of the body part's shape. This is rather difficult as we know that sticks are more conducive to rotation than other shapes.

    In this video clip, Master Chen Zhonghua shows the basic stretching into a stick with some yilu movements as examples.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 2 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2022  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Adhere-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20220127
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    The movements prior to action are adjustments. To adhere is to adjust, in a way. It is to take out space.
    It is a necessary type of movements that will lead to quality actions later.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 5 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2022  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Twist Open-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20220126
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    The number one Practical Method concept is Yin Yang Separation.
    In this video, Master Chen Zhonghua demonstrates, explains and answers questions on this concept using the upper and lower body separation as a model.
    The upper and lower body are demarcated by the waist.
    The separation of the two is likened as the twisting open of a bottle and cap.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 3 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    StationaryRotations-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210916
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    We don't allow movements in Practical Method. We only allow rotations and moves that are essentially rotations (partial rotations, etc.), such as stretches.

    Master Chen uses this video to teach how to do a simple rotational move without overall bodily movements.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 2 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Spiral-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210908
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    You have to establish a fixed point, or vertical line, in order to rotate and then do a spiral.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 3 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Order-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210908
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    Every move has two parts to it. One is do get ready and the other is to act. Then we repeat this, like the counting of 1,2, 1, 2, 1, 2.
    Students will not be able to distinguish the order of the sequence and do 2, 1, 2, 1.
    Because when you don't see the starting point, the rest will not show the order of movements.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Move Middle-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210908
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    Lock the middle to move the two ends (like a lever) is manageable. Lock the two ends and move the middle is almost not possible. But we have to do it.
    Master Chen shows the theory, method and action of doing so.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 3 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Lock2-1-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210909
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    We must always use three points for everything. Of the three points, we must lock two points and only move one. This way our movements will remain stable.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    KuaKneeOpen-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210826
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    Kua and the knee are related to each other. When we open the Kua, the knee must be locked, otherwise you are tossing and moving from one place to another.
    If your torso is not fixed in one location, you are tossing.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 10 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Joint Open-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210824
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    Taiji is the art of contradiction, a struggle. The Dantian must always pulls all our body part inwards while our actions are always outward away from the Dantian.
    Master Chen Zhonghua shows how this is done.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 2 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    InternalIntegrity-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210826
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    Taiji is the art of contradiction, a struggle. The Dantian must always pulls all our body part inwards while our actions are always outward away from the Dantian.
    Master Chen Zhonghua shows how this is done.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 2 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Inside Limitations-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210824
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    Our body parts must always be inside a restricted area like a bullet is inside a gun barrel. The restrictions set up limitations for the body and for our movements. This will create borders and demarcations. With demarcations yin and yang are delineated.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Indented Kua-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210826
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    The Kua (front kua) must be open (stretch out so that there is less an indentation) in order for the body to have proper balance. An indented kua will make it difficult to maintain balance.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 7 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Impale-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210819
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    The most theoretical scenario for taiji is emptiness, void of anything, for example the space between you on the 33rd floor and the ground.
    The most deadly scenario for taiji is to impale at the end of the emptiness.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Height-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210908
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    Height is proportional with the stance (distance between the two feet). When the feet are close to each other, you are standing high. When your feet are far apart, you are in a low stance. Any other methods will make you lose proper posture.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 2 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2002  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

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    Indirect Power is only next to Yin Yang separation in Practical Method. Master Chen Zhonghua demonstrated a few examples of indirect power in this 2002 Ottawa video clip.

    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 5 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

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    Taiji is about curvatures and straight lines. A curvature refers to rotational moves that can create power. A straight line is the power produced and to be delivered to the opponents. All these are very vague to understand, let alone doing it.
    Master Chen Zhonghua uses a rack and pinion set to explain this phenomenon.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 6 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Rotation Levels-POL20210827
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    Rotation is the source action in Practical Method. There are different types and levels of rotation, from dot to a stick and sheet, etc.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 5 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

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    Rubbing (Cuo,搓)involves two body parts and they must rotate against each other in opposite directions. So essentially rubbing is like a set of gears. Theoretically we use gears as templates. In physical training we use words like rubbing, twisting, grinding and rotating.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 2 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Elbow Hand-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210826
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    The hand must be fixed on the target and will never move off. The rest of the body must make their way via curvatures to aim at the hand. The elbow is the first to do so. If you know how to deliver power from the elbow to your hand, you can do the rest.
    Master Chen Zhonghua shows how to do this.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Rotating Step-POL20210820
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    First you have to have a true rotation. Why are we saying this? Because the human body is not designed to rotate. So you cannot assume you can rotate. We also need to know that while you rotate, you must step forward to gain advantage over your opponent.
    This simple exercise that Master Chen Zhonghua shows will give you that bit of special power.

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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 8 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Lever Structure-POL20210910
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    How to turn the body into a lever-structure that we can use in fighting? Master Chen Zhonghua explains and shows the method.

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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
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    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Cut Hand 1-POL20210820
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    Cut-Hand is part of the Cannon Fist form. It is an application designed to break the opponent's arm. How does it work? What do you use to do the cutting?

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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 8 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Danger Story-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210824
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    Face the danger. Some stories.

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 7 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Corrections-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210825
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    Master Chen gave online students corrections on the form.

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    "Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210825" Online Video Purchase

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
    7. Please note that as a customer/user of the website and/or student of Chen Zhonghua, you have given him and the companies/organizations he represents permission to use videos or photos with you, both personally and commercially.
    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 4 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Concave 3-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210818
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    A major characteristic of the Hong Junsheng Practical Method system of Chen Style Taijiquan is its concave circles. Other styles of taiji mainly utilize convex circles.
    Another trailer of concave circle:

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Concave 2-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210818
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    A major characteristic of the Hong Junsheng Practical Method system of Chen Style Taijiquan is its concave circles. Other styles of taiji mainly utilize convex circles.

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
    7. Please note that as a customer/user of the website and/or student of Chen Zhonghua, you have given him and the companies/organizations he represents permission to use videos or photos with you, both personally and commercially.
    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 2 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Catch-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210817
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    When you want to open a joint such as the Kua, you need to catch part of it and then twist the rest.

    The full video can be purchased below:
    "Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210817" Online Video Purchase

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
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    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.

    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 5 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

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    Master Chen Zhonghua shows how to create a fist hit by locking the torso and stretching/grinding the armpit. This is part of the system that requires the power to be generated from within through rubbing, grinding, twisting and opening.

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
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    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 5 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Agility-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210817
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    Agility is a special taiji quality that one must possess in order to make taiji push hands work.
    This quality involves ability to bear heavy weight while being totally mobile. An object that shows this quality is a ball-bearing. This is a clip of Master Chen Zhonghua's online class covering for Kelvin Ho.

    The full video can be purchased below:
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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
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    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 65 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Chen Zhonghua Private Instructor Lesson 20210917
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    Movement, Lever, and Stretching!

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 1 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Agility-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210818-1
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    Agility is a special taiji quality that one must possess in order to make taiji push hands work.
    This quality involves ability to bear heavy weight while being totally mobile. An object that shows this quality is a ball-bearing.

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
    2. Some packages are in fact classifications of videos.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
    7. Please note that as a customer/user of the website and/or student of Chen Zhonghua, you have given him and the companies/organizations he represents permission to use videos or photos with you, both personally and commercially.
    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 65 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210916
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    If you like this video, there is an even greater value in purchasing one of the packages below.
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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
    2. Some packages are in fact classifications of videos.
    3. Some videos in packages might have been published and purchased by you individually.
    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
    7. Please note that as a customer/user of the website and/or student of Chen Zhonghua, you have given him and the companies/organizations he represents permission to use videos or photos with you, both personally and commercially.
    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 3 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    3 Solids-Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210908
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    Master Chen Zhonghua shows 3 Solids contacts: feet must be solid on the ground; head must be solid in the air (as if pushed solid against the ceiling); and the hand (or any other part that catches the opponent) must be solid against the opponent. When this is done, make sure all three remain solid while make a move of pull or push with joints against the opponent.

    The full video can be purchased below:
    "Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210908" Online Video Purchase

    If you like this video, there is an even greater value in purchasing one of the packages below.
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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
    7. Please note that as a customer/user of the website and/or student of Chen Zhonghua, you have given him and the companies/organizations he represents permission to use videos or photos with you, both personally and commercially.
    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.


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    Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 62 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
    Year: 2021  Location: Edmonton, Canada  

    Chen Zhonghua Online Lesson 20210915
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    In and out movements come from the elbow; left/right rotations come from the waist/kua; and up and down movements come from the knees. These are the three types of moves and body part locations in Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method.

    Also in this video, Master Chen Zhonghua give details on the Magic of 3 of this special system. Everything requires 3 to function but we only have two, such as two hands.

    This is a valuable video to have.

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    1. Video packages are designed for the convenience of students.
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    4. Average prices of videos in packages are considerably lower than individual videos. The number of videos in the package will increase until the sum of all individual video prices equal to two times or more of the package price.
    5. In view of this, if you have purchased a video that are also included in a package your have purchased, or vice versa, we will not give refunds or equivalents.
    6. All videos in packages are paid videos. They are restricted to your personal viewing and other usage. You do not have copyright of the videos and therefore you do not have permission to give/share with others.
    7. Please note that as a customer/user of the website and/or student of Chen Zhonghua, you have given him and the companies/organizations he represents permission to use videos or photos with you, both personally and commercially.
    8. Making a paid purchase constitutes agreement to the above terms.