Singapore Practical Method Workshop Photos 20231202.

Singapore 20231130 – 1MorningGroup
Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy Phone: 780-413-0454
Chen Taiji Practical Method and Hunyuan Taiji
Singapore Practical Method Workshop Photos 20231202.
Singapore 20231130 – 1MorningGroup
by Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy on 2023/11/26
Indonesia Practical Method Seminar Photos 20231125-26.
by Tomasz Raganowicz on 2023/04/15
You can also see a few pictures here.
by Pawel Mueller on 2023/04/03
by Shopmaster on 2023/02/04
by Dave Fekete on 2022/09/19
Edmonton Workshop: September 17, 2022
Part 1: Lead into Emptiness
Grandmaster Chen Zhonghua said that in Taiji, you “lead into emptiness.” This idea is central to the practice of Taiji. It means that when you “act” in Taiji, you don’t do something, but do something. When you prevail against an opponent, you are not “doing” something to your opponent. You never react with force against force. In Taiji, you are fighting yourself, not the other person. These seeming contradictions really mean something when you experience them, as I did in the Edmonton workshop on September 17, 2022. I felt them; Grandmaster Chen “did” them to us, without “doing them.” Read more
by Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy on 2021/05/30
More photos of Chen Xu’s Jimo Practical Method Seminar on May 30, 2021
by Doug Gauld on 2020/09/21
– just after Roy’s 2nd private lesson with GM, it was suggested that I record his impressions about his experiences in this learning process
– I’m no journalist so bear with me here Read more
by Doug Gauld on 2020/09/20
– I am beginning to understand some of the challenges in trying to describe, discuss, even think about PM in ways that pass along that information, in digestible bites to other people Read more
by Damian Jagosz on 2020/09/20
by Doug Gauld on 2020/09/17
by Tinh Thai on 2020/03/15
This is a post I found drafted but had not published. I thought I would finally share what I had written two years ago in 2018. It’s now March 2020.
The value that you get from Master Chen Zhonghua’s Practical Method workshop is immeasurable. This is was my fourth workshop and I cannot explain just how much was packed into the two days.
by Spencer Jones on 2019/08/08
Last week we concluded another great workshop/training camp in Iowa with Master Chen. There was a good turnout with around 50 attendees. The vibes were good and the lessons were clear and concise.
by Tomasz Raganowicz on 2019/05/01
You can also see a few pictures here.
by Lutz Liese on 2019/01/18
I would like to give some impressions of the PM-Taiji-Training camp that took place in Italy this September.
From the 17th till the 22nd September 2018 we have had the joyful experience to live and train together in a beautiful Villa at the Bolsena lake in Italy. It is a place which is located around 100km north of the city of Rome.
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by petersonlui on 2018/07/11
On a Tuesday morning in Shanghai, I woke up only expecting to learn and practice some basic Tai Chi, so I went to EF Headquarter not knowing the marvels after the lesson. This was my second time taking Tai Chi at EF Wellness Center where the master is Nicholas who is the 70th Indoor Disciple of Master Chen Zhonghua.
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by admin2 on 2018/07/06
Note at 0:42 how Master Chen do the 47. Part the Wild Horse’s Mane on Both Sides (Yie Ma Fen Zong) move
by Tomasz Raganowicz on 2018/07/03
You can also see a few pictures here.
by admin on 2018/06/18
Master Chen Zhonghua gave a two-day workshop in Beijing at the Zizhen Taiji Academy from June 17-18 immediately after his European tour. He arrived at 6 am at the Beijing International Airport from Brussels and directly went to the workshop that started at 9 am. Read more
by Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy on 2018/05/31
The 4th Poland Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Workshop was held from May 28-30, 2018 in Gdynia. It was hosted by Tomek Raganowicz of Poland. Pawel Muller of Austria came to assist me in video-taping, etc. The workshop was attended by 21 people from Poland, Austria, Germany, and Lithuania. Read more
by admin2 on 2018/01/05
by admin2 on 2018/01/01
more photos on facebook
by admin2 on 2017/12/29
by admin2 on 2017/09/14
Address for September workshop: 33735 Essendene Ave Abbotsford BC at the Two Dragons Tai Chi Academy (Abbotsford Downtown)
For the people coming from the Vancouver area, take the Freeway over the Port Mann. No more tolls.
by Tomasz Raganowicz on 2017/07/16
You can also see a few pictures here.
by Tomasz Raganowicz on 2017/06/25
by admin2 on 2017/06/20
by admin2 on 2017/06/13
by Camille Lipford on 2017/03/10
Like one drink sets an alcoholic back after 50 years of abstaining – so it is if we add a move (like move the hand)
Bigger from the kua
If you need to move the knee, fix the hip. If you need to move the hip, fix the knee.
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by admin2 on 2017/03/06
by Kelvin Ho on 2017/03/03
by Wilkin Ng on 2017/03/02
Dinner at Mike’s (Disciple #3) in Abbotsford with Zhang YanPing who moved to Abbotsford from Jinan.
Three new student attended, so Master Chen went over foundation and application of Yilu first move.
Fetch water application is getting in for a strike with shoulder, that’s the purpose of moving the arm down.
After many corrections, I am starting to understand that power should not come from the shoulder, but treat shoulder as a pivot
by admin2 on 2017/02/14
by Sarah on 2017/02/06
At the moment Master Chen is giving the 21th Practical Method Seminar on Daqinshan. More then 80 peoples are participating and there are both advanced (beneath them many disciples) and beginners.
I want to give you a brief insight of this event.
by Wilkin Ng on 2017/01/21
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by admin2 on 2016/12/27
by admin2 on 2016/12/17
Notes by Brian Chung on day 1 of the workshop with Master Chen Zhonghua and Chen Xu.
Notes 2016-12-10 Sydney Workshop Day 1
1. Practical Method consists of Gongfa (jibengong), Quanfa (yilu, erlu, jian, dao, waxwood pole), Yongfa (tui shou, san shou).
2. We start with only the physical. In the end, there is nothing physical.
3. 3 things we don’t work with. Breathing, Fingers, Eating. We were born with these abilities.
4. The middle must come out.
5. Did you see the middle? Did you see the red?
by Ming on 2016/11/16
Disciples Rachelle B., James T. and Daniel M. once again organized a great Practical Method seminar in Ottawa. Participants from Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City, Montreal and Petawawa gathered to train in the ancient act of Taijiquan under the personal attention of Master Joseph Chen. James have already posted a summary of this event. Over the course of three days, we covered all aspects of the Practical Method including theory, philosophy and history as well as the Foundations, forms and applications. The following are my personal observations.
by Wilkin Ng on 2016/10/20
We did a lot 13 Yilu repetition with counting. The idea is to be clear in each step of each move. Master Chen mentioned once student learn the choreography, it is helpful to break down each move to understand it better, then latter perform it together again.
This sequence of breaking and putting it back should be repeated several times as student progresses in practice.
More photos below Read more
by Camille Lipford on 2016/10/20