Online practice groups are a way to support and motivate each other along our Practical Method journey.
Anyone learning Practical Method can conduct an online foundations practice group regardless of where you are in the world.
Tinh Thai
This is a post I found drafted but had not published. I thought I would finally share what I had written two years ago in 2018. It’s now March 2020.
The value that you get from Master Chen Zhonghua’s Practical Method workshop is immeasurable. This is was my fourth workshop and I cannot explain just how much was packed into the two days.
Foundations corrections
Positive circle correction (3-count):
- Before I start the first positive circle the middle finger of the front hand must concentrate on a dot. The front middle finger is no higher than the eyebrow. The elbow and palm of the front hand are directed towards the floor. There is a stretch from the front middle finger to the rear foot. The front forearm is stretched and the front shoulder is pinned down (it does not move).
- Keep wrists straight throughout. Read more
About learning
1. Give it enough time. The secret is time.
2. Give yourself enough time to find the shortcuts.
3. Progress comes from holding yourself. Don’t overshoot yourself. Don’t use power.
4. Train the rail – first, you will not get the line. 3-months later, the trajectory is imprinted on the body [with practice]. You’ll see the line.
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About learning
1. “The teacher teaches the principle. You go home and practice.”
2. Follow the principle. Don’t deviate.
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Tinh Thai and disciple Brian Chung (June 2018)
Isn’t it incredible how life gives you the things that you need when you need it?
I wanted to learn Chinese martial arts since I was a little girl. Read more