Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy

Chen Xu Attends Malaysian Competition with the Daqingshan Team 20240725. Read more

Master Chen, forgive me for contacting you without you knowing me. I am a student and teacher of a system called Wu Ji Jing Gong Tai Chi which was developed by Master Chen Jisheng, of Tangshan, Hebei Province.

I have watched many of your videos and I think they are excellent. The last one that I watched was called “Dantian” published by Michael Calandra, and as I watched I was not sure that I understood your meaning of how the dantian moves. I think what you are saying is that the dantian does not rotate by itself, but rather it is moved by the action and interaction of the feet, the knees and the kuas. In our system we follow the saying, “movement starts at the feet…..” so all our movements are initiated from the turning of the feet. And, as one foot sinks, the other feels as if it is lifting or pulling something out of the ground. This is how we move the dantian. Unfortunately, I feel we are in the minority as most schools teach moving from the waste or the dantian. I was wondering if my understanding of your teaching is on the right track.

I welcome your response, and again apologize for this unsolicited message.

Joe Eber

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A man with fighting spirit
When Chen Zhonghua pursued his master’s degree at the University of Regina in Canada 39 years ago, he practiced tai chi regularly on the lawn outside the faculty building.His fluid, steady movements mesmerized many people on campus, signaling the start of a career devoted to helping to popularize the Chinese martial art in the West in the decades to follow.Chen, 63, is now a famous tai chi master, having taught more than 250,000 students and disciples worldwide. His dedication to the promotion of tai chi culture helps fuel growing interest in the art. Chen’s birthplace, Wulian county of East China’s Shandong province, alone draws many practitioners and adherents to its major tai chi competitions, classes and related events, with the latest international tournament held in early May.Chen says that he had his first tai chi disciple, Art McBeath, a professor at the Canadian university, in 1985. Read more

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Early Morning Training Photos on Daqingshan 20240523. Read more

Coastal Rizhao set for major sports, leisure events

By Hou Chenchen |

Updated: April 19, 2024

Coastal city Rizhao, in East China’s Shandong province, is gearing up to host a major leisure sports event featuring various outdoor activities, an official said on Wednesday.

Zhang Bingchen, deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Sports Bureau, told reporters that the 2024 China Sports and Leisure Conference and Sports Tourism Season will be held from April to June, with the opening ceremony scheduled for May 9.

Rizhao will host 63 events, including 26 national-level and 16 provincial-level events, with more than 100,000 participants expected.

Daqingshan in the Clouds on April 13, 2024.

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Kelvin Ho Teaching on Daqingshan, China 20240415. Kelvin Ho is one of Chen Zhonghua’s top disciples and teaching assistants. He teaches Practical Method in the Greater Toronto area. These photos are taken when he was on Chen Zhonghua’s Daqingshan Mountain Resort for Taiji in Shandong, China. This is an early morning taiji session that he is teaching. The students are full time students from all parts of China.

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Daqingshan Photos on April 11, 2024.

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Gutian Practical Method Seminar Chen Zhonghua Photos 20240325

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Gutian Practical Method Seminar Chen Zhonghua Photos 20240323.

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Gutian) Fujian Province) Practical Method Public Session Chen Xu Push-Hands 20240323.

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Gutian (Fujian Province) Practical Method Public Session 20240323.

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Inaugural Tianjin Practical Method Seminar Photos 20240316.

Chen Zhonghua Tianjin Practical Method Workshop Calligraphy Session Photos 20240316.
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Qingming Festival on Daqingshan 20240404. Qing: Clear. Ming: Bright. Qingming Festival is like the Memorial Day in Canada. It is a day to pay respect to ancestors and heroes. It falls on the 26th day of February each year. This year, it fell on April 4th, 2024.

This year, we have three official days off. Here are some photos of the activities on Daqingshan.

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3rd Yinan Practical Method Seminar Push Hands Photos 20240330.
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Technique Explanations by Chen Zhonghua at the 3rd Yinan Practical Method Seminar 20240330.

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Chest Open and Close Exercise at the 3rd Yinan Practical Method Seminar 20240330.

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Chen Zhonghua Photos at the Sydney Practical Method Workshop from Feb. 16 to 19, 2024. Read more

Chen Zhonghua in Molanshanshe Boutique Hotel 20240211.


Molanshan Boutique Hotel Photos on Feb. 11, 2023. This is a unique hotel owned by Chen Ronghua (Curry), one of Chen Zhonghua’s disciples.

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Happy New Year of the Dragon! 2024.

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A Visit to An Indonesia Tropical House 20231128.

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2023 Singapore Practical Method Workshop Photos.

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Daqingshan Photos 20230916.

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Rangwei (give away a position)

In Practical Method, there can be only one point that has power. Everything else must give up power. This one point of power is active. All other actions (movements) must be passive.

Terminoloy: Rangwei
Chinese characters: 让位
Pingyin: Rangwei

Notes and Highlights: 2023 Singapore Practical Method Seminar by Chen Zhonghua 20231202-03.

Once again I am accompanied by Chen Xu. This time Duan Chonghu of Laiwu, Shandong, Li Hong of Nanchang, Jiangxi, and Guo Huichun of Weibei, Anhui also came along. Read more

Singapore Practical Method Private Class 20231201.


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Singapore Practical Method Workshop Photos 20231202.

Singapore 20231130 – 1MorningGroup

Singapore Bird Paradise 20231201.

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Daqingshan Photos in November 2023.


Chen Zhonghua Short Yilu Photos at Sinto’s Garden 20231128.

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Indonesia Safari Trip 20231127. Practical Method instructors from China are accompanied by local instructors and students to a trip to the local safari zoo.

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Indonesia Practical Method Seminar Photos 20231125-26.

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