People : Resume

You can find a list of resumes from Master Chen Zhonghua’s disciples.

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A few days ago my Tai Chi Practical Method teacher here in Queenstown, NZ took this video of me to mark exactly one year of practice for me in the Practical Method. I am one of Yuxins foundation members. Prior to starting on the Practical method my only Tai Chi experience was approximately one year of Yang style. Read more

Naomi Ishii Resume i

by Yuxin Liu on 2020/07/26

Start learning first Practical Method form in Jan 2020.(Foundations from October 2019)
47 years old, Japanese, Living with Kiwi husband and 2 kids in Arrowtown New Zealand last 20 years.
4 years ago I started learning Yang style Tai Chi at local class, as I felt a Qi strongly and looking for the way to introduce it to my family.
I like been in the high alpine in 4 season, surfing and sailing in the sea with the family.

Sandy Kong Resume i

by Yuxin Liu on 2020/07/24

Sandy Kong
Age 49

Started Practical Method 11 months ago
Tai Chi for 10 months before that
And chi gong for 1 year when I was 36

Mike Menzies Resume 2

by Yuxin Liu on 2020/07/24

Michael Roger Menzies. Age 76. Queenstown. Have practiced Practical Method for 9 months. Before Practical Method practiced Yang Style for 10 months. Total Tai Chi experience 19 months starting January 2019.

Mary Jowett Resume 1

by Yuxin Liu on 2020/07/24

My name is Mary Jowett. I’m in my early 50’s and I live in Queenstown, New Zealand. I’ve been practicing Practical Method for 4 months with no previous Taiji experience.

Born in Lower Hutt, Wellington. Currently living in Queenstown. Age range:45-50.

Started Practical Method October 2019, love it (but not good at it! find it challenging for my brain and body -which is awesome!) have never done any martial arts or Taiji before (wish i had tho!) I do a bit of skiing, mountain biking, swimming, the odd jog like to be active (when i get round to it!)


Bhargav Khaund Resume i

by Bhargav on 2020/04/07

Bhargav Khaund


I am an engineer by training, and I work in an energy and chemical company in a senior managerial role within the Supply Chain and business development function covering the Asian region.
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John Saw at Sydney Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy - 8 March 2020

John Saw at Sydney Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy – 8 March 2020

John Saw – My journey from a hotelier, gambler and Qigong Master to a faithful and loyal disciple of Master Chen Zhonghua.
I was born in Burma in 1935. I lived there till I was 29, had to leave everything behind as the country was taken over by the military. I swam across the Mekong river to Thailand in 1964. Started work at the Bangkok Hilton and after 6 years, decided to migrate to Australia.
In June 1970, I arrived Sydney with my wife and infant son and started work in a motel. In no time I got involved in gambling. Life was easy and had so much fun that by the time I was 60, I suffered a stroke due to smoking, bad diet and not enough sleep.  My left side of the body was affected, my speech was slurred and I lost my balance.  Through Qigong, I gained back my health, and I recovered fully after years of hard work.
After 20 years traveling around the world spreading our Qigong system, I felt restless, something missing. Even though I was an International Master of Lohan Qigong, I just couldn’t figure out what’s missing in my life.
Throughout my travels, I’ve met many great Masters and practitioners in Qigong and Taiji, and became friends but nothing really impressed me.
Then in December 2014, I was invited to attend a lecture by Taiji Master Chen Zhonghua at the UTS. I went along as I was free at that time and also curious as to what’s there for me to see. The first time I saw Master Chen, I was impressed by his demeanor, he was a humble man with twinkling eyes.  When he started talking about his style called Chen Style Taiji Practical Method, I was a bit hesitant. I thought another Master promoting their style. The minute he explained the technique and showed us why it’s called Practical Method, I was blown away.
Mind you, I’ve travelled a fair bit and met many skillful Masters, but what Master Chen did with one slight movement of his body was incredible, seeing is believing I should say. He let people touch him and let them feel that he didn’t move his muscle. I was very impressed and decided to join his workshop that weekend. There again, I was amazed with his skill but most importantly, it’s his willingness to share his knowledge without withholding anything, thats got me hooked.
Since then, I’ve been to Daqingshan many times and attended his seminars yearly without fail.
I was accepted as a disciple in 2017 and my number is 257.
I went to Bali last Nov 2019 to join his workshop and again in February 2020 in Sydney. Master Chen never stop to amaze me with his willingness to share and spread this wonderful system.
The last day of the workshop in Sydney was my 85th birthday. Master Chen was kind enough to join my family and friends with some disciples to celebrate this special occasion with me.
Thank you Shifu.
Your disciple,
John Saw #257
John Saw - Burma Days

John Saw – Burma Days

John Saw - Burma Days

John Saw – Burma Days

John Saw - Gambling Days

John Saw – Gambling Days

John Saw - Qigong Days

John Saw – Qigong Days

John Saw with Master Chen Zhonghua at Daqingshan

John Saw with Master Chen Zhonghua at Daqingshan

John Saw with Master Chen Zhonghua at Zhenbudong Rizhao Taiji Acacdemy

John Saw with Master Chen Zhonghua at Zhenbudong Rizhao Taiji Acacdemy

John Saw Discipleship Photo in Sydney with Master Chen Zhonghua

John Saw Discipleship Photo in Sydney with Master Chen Zhonghua

Daqingshan Competition Torch Bearer

Daqingshan Taiji Flame Torch Bearer 2018

Chen Zhonghua Practical Method Workshop Sydney 2020 February

Chen Zhonghua Practical Method Workshop Sydney 2020 February

Tinh Thai and disciple Brian Chung (June 2018)

Tinh Thai and disciple Brian Chung (June 2018)

Isn’t it incredible how life gives you the things that you need when you need it?

I wanted to learn Chinese martial arts since I was a little girl. Read more

While tumbling to the ground, I have made up my mind to study from Master Chen.

Back in 2003, after watching Master Chen’s Youtube videos, I sent him an email asking if I could observe his class. Among the videos, his demonstration with Michael sticks out. Despite a much more petite statue, tossing Michael around seemed effortless for Master. Later on, I found out that Michael isn’t only a 9th-degree black belt, but he is also a cop who has caught over 200 thieves. Simply put, he is no slouch.

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circleMy name is Benjamin Benefiel and I live in Phoenix, Arizona, USA with my wife and two young daughters. On January 21, 2018, I became Master Chen Zhonghua’s 259th disciple along with taiji brother Winston Wang. I grew up near Chicago, Illinois before moving to Phoenix area for graduate school in 1999. My appreciation of martial arts began as a child with karate lessons and a love of ‘kung fu cinema’. During my 20s and early 30s, I studied various styles of martial arts intermittently (including Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, and Deng family Sengmenquan, as well as a very small amount of experience with Yang style Taiji which was taught only as a health exercise). Chen style Taijiquan always held a strong fascination for me, but I was never fortunate enough to find a teacher. Read more

My name is Vincent den Hengst. I am from the Netherlands, Utrecht, where I started practicing Hunyuan taiji under James Fletcher in 2007. From the beginning, I kept exercising daily. In 2013 I stepped over to Practical Method. In 2014 and 2015 I went to Daqinshan for two months in total and observed several workshops since 2013. I regard Practical Method taiji as taught by Grandmaster Chen as the highest possible region of martial art, so I feel lucky and happy I finalized my life’s queeste to find the one martial art.

I was born in May 1973 in the south of Romania. When I was a kid in the Communist era, I saw a Chinese martial arts movie in the theater.
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In 2001, I started studying Kung Fu. My teacher also taught Chen Style Taijiquan from Chen Quanzhong. Watching my teacher perform Taiji at one of our demonstrations, I thought it was fantastic. I read “Chen Style: The Source of Taijiquan” by Davidine Sim and David Gaffney and thought I should really switch to Taiji, but I chose to continue down the path of Kung Fu since I had already started it. Read more

Mark Hanley i

by Kelvin Ho on 2017/04/22


Name: Mark Hanley
Class: Richmond Hill
Practical Method Start Date: Oct. 15, 2016
Martial Art Experience: Karate Black Belt, and practiced Yang Taiji previously

Bruce Robinson i

by Kelvin Ho on 2017/04/22

Name: Bruce Robinson
Class: Richmond Hill
Practical Method Start Date: May 23, 2015
Martial Art Experience: Practiced Aikido and Yang Taiji previously.

Kewei Sun i

by Kelvin Ho on 2017/04/22

Name: Kewei Sun
Class: Richmond Hill
Practical Method Start Date: May 23, 2015
Martial Art Experience: Practiced Iron Shirt when he was young.

Lucas Lu i

by Kelvin Ho on 2017/04/22

Name: Lucas Lu
Class: Richmond Hill
Practical Method Start Date: June 27, 2015

Peter Li i

by Kelvin Ho on 2017/04/22

Name: Peter Li
Class: Richmond Hill
Practical Method Start Date: Mar. 25, 2017

Master Chen Zhonghua accepted Charlie Wishon as a disciple on July 17, 2016.

Master Chen Zhonghua accepted Charlie Wishon as a disciple on July 17, 2016.

On July 17, 2016, Master Chen Zhonghua accepted Charlie Wishon as his 201st disciple at the workshop held in Iowa City. Todd Elihu emceed the ceremony and many other disciples were present including Levi Sowers, John Upshaw, John Dahms, Brennan Toh, Kelvin Ho, Hugo Ramiro, Xavier Santiago, Jeff Clevenger, Bruce Schaub, Erwin Ramthun, and Chris Dusek. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Master Chen briefly spoke about the privileges, responsibilities, and ethics of being one of his disciples.

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Zhu Dongsheng i

by admin on 2012/01/06

Zhu Dongsheng started learning taiji in 2005. He started with Yang style. From 2006 to 2009 he followed monk Shi Guozhuang to learn Chen Style Small frame. From 2009 to 2010 he studied Chen Style Old Frame yilu from friend Zhao Yanan. Read more

Charles Paoletti Read more

Zhi Ning i

by admin on 2011/06/28

大青山董事长陈中华先生给职宁授奖 Chen Zhonghua giving Zhining award

职宁,男,现年17岁。出生于太极发源地———河南温县。 Read more

Blake Norman
(780) 604-8714              #409, 12015-103 Ave.                 Edmonton, AB   T5K 0S9


Position where I am challenged to learn new skills and work with people in ways that further allow me to develop my existing skills

Skills Read more

Resume on Discipleship of Master Chen Zhonghua

Background Read more

Steven Chan


I wish to become a disciple of Master Chen Zhonghua to receive the transmission of his lineage to learn practical method taijiquan. Read more

Sean Moxley Resume i

by webmaster on 2010/04/01

To Master Chen and Daqingshan administration,

My name is Sean Moxley from Regina, Saskatchewan.  I am a student of Ronnie Yee’s and have been studying Chen Style Taijiquan for about a year.  Before that I studied Kung Fu for a number of years.  Read more


To embark on an enlightening career of self-discovery and spiritual healing for myself as well as my clients. Read more

Nick Mann Resume i

by webmaster on 2010/04/01

Nick Mann


An intelligent, hard working, University Degree holder who currently works and lives in Wulian China seeks contract work teaching English as a second language in Rizhao China. Read more