Practical Method

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2023 Full Year Master Chen Zhonghua’s Online Classes and Videos (Wed, Thur only)

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Kelvin Ho will be running a yilu correction online class starting on Nov. 1, 2022. He has practiced yilu over 38000 times and counting, and has set a record of completing 200 yilus on a single day. He has been awarded by Master Chen Zhonghua the title of Qingshan Instructor since 2019. In this class, he will correct the students’ form in detail by integrating the principle into the form, and providing focused drills to hone the required skill. This class will be meeting twice a week, and is included as part of the yearly program. This class is suitable for people who are able to perform yilu by oneself, and are looking for ways to breakthrough the current plateau and/or to improve his/her yilu overall.

Monday: 2 pm Edmonton Time
Tuesday: 7 am Edmonton Time

To purchase this class, please go to:

Push hands is an exercise that examines your understanding of the Taiji principle: Separation of Yin and Yang. While form training transforms your body, push hands provides an opportunity for you to apply your Taiji knowledge and skill. It has also become a popular sporting event both in China and abroad. This workshop is suitable for beginners as well as people at different levels of their training. If you have never tried it before, this is a great opportunity for you to do it in a friendly and safe environment.

推手是一种让人检查对太极原理(分阴阳)理解的练习。 套路训练可以改变人的身体结构,而推手则提供了运用太极拳知识和技能的机会。 它已成为国内外流行的体育赛事。 这训练班适合推手初学者及不同程度培训的太极爱好者。 如果您以前从未尝试过推手,那么这是个让你在友好与安全的环境中初次尝试的绝佳机会。

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As this year comes to a close, we are organizing an online zoom event to gather the PM students together around the globe to celebrate our achievements in 2021. In this event, we will include:

  1. A review on our global activities
  2. Special performances on forms and push hands
  3. Recognitions of individuals who have made great breakthroughs in their taiji
  4. A resolution speech from Master Chen Zhonghua for the new year

Mark your date and time.

Date: Dec. 18, 2021
Time: 8 pm China Time/7 am Eastern Time/5 am Edmonton Time

See everyone at the event!


Meeting ID:85415740768

Date: Dec. 5, 2021
Time: 4 pm WIB or 4 am EST

URL: Read more

There will be an interview with Master Chen Zhonghua on Nov. 21, 2021 at 5 am Edmonton Time.

The interview will be conducted in English. The content will mainly be Master Chen’s stories of learning from Masters Hong Junsheng and Feng Zhiqiang. Everybody is encouraged to attend. Tell a friend! Thanks.

Meeting ID: 82543303297
Password: 510320

Other scheduled Practical Method interviews:
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Chinese Class

Open the knee

A student asks about how to open the knee.  Master Chen Zhonghua said the idea of opening was very simple. However being to able to do it requires many other simple things to be put together. There are so many that we are unable to do them, and we simply give up. Read more

Correction on my form  Need to have 3 solids There is a line at the shoulder level between the front hand and rear shoulder (first 2 solids) I need to stretch the kua down to create the 3rd solid. Read more


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Taken in June 2019

Taken in June, 2019

Taken in June 2019

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Master Zhonghua Chen and the Rizhao Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy team are participating in the Chen Village Push Hands Competition. Master Chen was invited as a guest.

Master Chen Zhonghua and students at Chen Village Competition 2018

Master Chen Zhonghua and students at Chen Village Competition 2018

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Feb. 22, 2015 Practical Method students practising yilu in front to the Oldest Gingko Tree in the world. According to the stone tablet at the tree erected in 1654, in 715 B.C. the Lu and Luu states held a peace treaty conference under this tree. It is considered a living fossil of Chinese history. Read more

“Having been a guest at the Daqingshan Mountain Resort, I can say that Master Chen Zhonghua is a very generous, charismatic and extremely intelligent man. He has a passion for Taijiquan and I am grateful he shares it with the world. Read more

‘For several years I participated training and workshops with Master Chen Zhonqhua and experienced the high Technical and Teaching level of master Chen’s Hunyuan Chen Style and Practical Method.

Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Basic Foundations 2009 Victoria Version!  In this video Master Chen Zhonghua gave a basic introduction to the foundations of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. He also gave a brief history of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. Made in the fall colors in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, this 32 minutes video covers both stationery and moving step exercises in: Positive circle; negative circle, twisting the towel, six sealing and four closing, fetch water, shaking the pole.

Basic Foundations 2009 Version Online Video
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Three aspects are important.

  1. The stick/staff must be strong. If it bends, it can not bend in a way that energy stops.
  2. There must be a pivoting point. The pivoting point must not move.
  3. The level should be longer than the load.

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At the evening class tonight, I taught the use of a white waxwood staff exercise for shoulder and elbow rotational control. Please see the video here.

There couldn’t be better occasion than the one organized by Master Giuseppe Bon’s Kung Fu and Taijiquan School to make us moving to the best of our ability along the path that we began to follow last March. Read more

Chen Practical Method – No Weight Shifting, Only Turning « wujimon taiji blog.

3-week package:
August 6, 2010: arrival in Beijing. Read more

Use this to try to learn how to pull with elbow, not hand.

Steven Chan at the Canadian National Championships after three months on Daqingshan.

This demonstration of Yilu by Todd Elihu is the result of close to 10 years of hard work. This can be viewed as a good example of what Master Chen Zhonghua teaches.