This week, I found myself able to drill the opponent down causing him to eventually fall vertically to the ground. Read more
Knowledge : Application
Sun Yang wins Muay Thai Gold Belt 20190222
Top New:News just came from Thailand that Sun Yang has won the 67 kg Golden Belt after many rounds of hard fights at the Golden Belt Finals under the auspice of the Thailand Muay Thai Federation. Sun Yang is a disciple of Master Chen Zhonghua, International Standard Bearer of the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method system and Dean of the Qingshan Taijiquan and Cultural Research Institute of the Rizhao Politechnic. Read more
During practice on Dec. 23, 2018, we were practicing how to move in after making contact with the opponent. The particular exercise involved the two right forearms touching at one point. One person attempted his best to prevent the opponent from coming in, including moving his arm around. Everyone did this exercise against the others one by one. One student observed that when I showed how to move in, the opponent always appeared to have stopped his arm movement as soon as I started to move in. Others would struggle to fight at the upper body or the arm with the opponent. I found that being an interesting observation. Another student commented that he didn’t react or do any subsequent action when I moved in because there was no feedback/trigger to tell him to do anything, and he would just “watch” me coming in. I further demonstrated what they tended to do, which was to push his hand/arm forwarded as they moved the body forward, in which case, the opponent would respond immediately and stop me from coming in possibly using different methods. There should be no push at any time. Read more
Recently, I had a dream where I used my thigh to push down the opponent at his thigh. Shifu came over and mentioned something that I didn’t quite understand. I then practiced that move with another student named Benz, and I got that move in the dream. When I woke up, I realized that I learned something.
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The ability to lock the opponent is an important one we need to continuously to improve on in Practical Method. In order to send the opponent to the floor in what seemingly an effortless manner (in reality, it is not really effortless), we always need to lock the opponent first. However, more often than not, especially at the beginning of our learning, we use a lot of brute force to keep the opponent in certain position. However, locking the opponent simply means disallowing him or her to move. As long as the opponent is not moving, the objective is achieved. Read more
During push hands practice, Master Chen Zhonghua often says, “Get out of the way”. The result is that the opponent falls right into a hole (to the ground). I had a recent understanding of this phrase. Whose way that I need to get out of? It’s opponent’s path to the ground, and I am right in the middle blocking it. In theory, if I can remove myself from that path, the opponent will happily (or not so happily) reach his/her destination (the ground).
In more practical terms, I need to lure the opponent into using me for support without him realizing it, I then put a lid above/behind him. Without losing the lid, I get out of the way to remove my support for him. With no further pushing, he will fall right into where my support was originally. A differential is created at that time. A related article on differential: Opening the trap door from below.
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This video describes in taiji what we do is equal and opposite to the result we desire.
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This following diagram explains what is demonstrated in the video:
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Correction and Application for move 6 – 13
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 16 min. In: English Year: 2013 Difficulty:2/5

Two person exercise to practice three directions move
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 11 min. In: English Year: 2014 Difficulty:1/5 At:Berlin
Theory of three directions move video: link

Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 5 min. In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty:2/5 At:Toronto
At the four-day workshop on Toronto from Jan. 15-19, 2015, I taught the basic principles of push hands action again. It is to: Read more
Master Chen says that we need to get in, get stuck, and then turn the waist. However, people do not like the feeling of being stuck. We think that we need to move around looking for any opportunity to do something. The reality is that every move is an opportunity.
A youtube viewer of video below asked:
Master Chen, how will know if can be used when we can practice 100%? How would we know if it is real or an illusion of our ability?
Please comment on this good question

Push Hand demonstration and instruction. ‘ front hand and rear foot line up’ , ‘Linking and sinking power” principles in action.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 5:34 min. In: English Year: 2009 Difficulty:3/5 At:Maple Ridge
Han Yue multiple ShanDong Province champion conducting push hand practice with full time students 2011. Presenter: Han Yue Length: 9 min. In: Chinese & English Year: 2011 Difficulty:4/5 At:Daqingshan

1. Rotation and movements. 2. Fetch water exercise. 3. Loose and tight. 3. Breathing. 4. Connected spiral. 5. How to touch. 6. Alignment and energy movement. 7. Chen Zhonghua demo of Yilu 13-21. 8. In with elbow. 9. Sinking involves a stretch. 10. Taiji movements are not normal. Read more

1. Moving without movements. 2. Add one. 3. Full movements. 4. Stretches of the legs. 5. Revolution with rotation. 6. Hand and foot connection in circles. 7. foundations exercises. 8. Dot coming out. Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 44 min. In: English Year: 2012 Difficulty:4/5 At: Toronto, Canada
This is a simply application of “Front Trick”.
Chen Zhonghua: checkered shirt.
Daniel Mroz: black pants.
Photography: Allan Belsheim.
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When you are stepping, which is a global move called revolution, you are free to move your knee.
Once you finish this move, in which case, you have landed your foot and fixed your foot as an anchor, your knee should also be fixed. Read more

Four chapters of video that starts with a brief introduction to the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. Master Chen covered a lot of ground on this one on one session, as he is intent on giving as much correction and knowledge from which the student can work on until they meet again next time.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 64 min. In: English Year: 2012 Difficulty:3/5 At:Phoenix, AZ. USA

6 Chapters of Master Chen Zhonghua’s hands-on push hands application instruction during a private workshop in Phoenix, AZ, USA. This is a must-have for those interested in taiji applications. Many subtle and difficult concepts and applications are taught in this video. Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 57 min. In: English Year: 2012 Difficulty:4/5 At:Phoenix, AZ. USA