My name is Vincent den Hengst. I am from the Netherlands, Utrecht, where I started practicing Hunyuan taiji under James Fletcher in 2007. From the beginning, I kept exercising daily. In 2013 I stepped over to Practical Method. In 2014 and 2015 I went to Daqinshan for two months in total and observed several workshops since 2013. I regard Practical Method taiji as taught by Grandmaster Chen as the highest possible region of martial art, so I feel lucky and happy I finalized my life’s queeste to find the one martial art.
People in Taijiquan in the past and present: masters, teachers and students.
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Authorized Instructors Chen Fake Chen Zhonghua Disciple List Feng Zhiqiang Hong Junsheng Masters List Resume
- Introduction of Emcee
I am Todd Elihu, 20th generation disciple of Chen Style Taijiquan under Master Chen Zhonghua. I am very happy to be here at the 2018 North American Practical Method Training Camp and to have the opportunity to learn from Master Chen, as well as practice and exchange with my disciple-brothers who are present and the other participants of the camp this year. I am very grateful to my brothers Levi Sowers and John Upshaw for organizing these camps and all the hard work that they have put into making such a special event. Read more
I was born in May 1973 in the south of Romania. When I was a kid in the Communist era, I saw a Chinese martial arts movie in the theater.
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In 2001, I started studying Kung Fu. My teacher also taught Chen Style Taijiquan from Chen Quanzhong. Watching my teacher perform Taiji at one of our demonstrations, I thought it was fantastic. I read “Chen Style: The Source of Taijiquan” by Davidine Sim and David Gaffney and thought I should really switch to Taiji, but I chose to continue down the path of Kung Fu since I had already started it. Read more
After becoming a disciple last year I solidified my plans about my future with Practical Method. One result is the foundation of an official association in Austria. After some back and forth with the responsible officials regarding the association rules we, Fabian K. and Pawel M. got the permission to begin our association activities.
Our association is registered as acting globally and not only in Austria. This opens new possibilities for the European community which is emerging now, since people from other countries can become members, too, benefiting from our services.
An association allows us to act as an official entity, like a company. We can now easily access public training space and be official partners for schools, companies and other projects.
It’s exciting. We are eager to begin our work and establish our association in Austria and abroad. It’s a long way, but so is learning Practical Method which equipped us with the right set of tools already through our training: continuous work and time.
We are preparing materials for marketing new events now. There will be new courses in and around Vienna and we’re planing events to promote Practical Method.
Who wants to be part of it? Just send us an email to
And the name of our association
Practical Method Taijiquan Österreich
Verein zur Förderung der traditionellen chinesischen Kampfkunst „Practical Method Taijiquan“ in Österreich
In English, please
Practical Method Taijiquan Austria
Association for promoting the traditional Chinese martial art “Practical Method Taijiquan” in Austria.
On July 17, 2016, Master Chen Zhonghua accepted Charlie Wishon as his 201st disciple at the workshop held in Iowa City. Todd Elihu emceed the ceremony and many other disciples were present including Levi Sowers, John Upshaw, John Dahms, Brennan Toh, Kelvin Ho, Hugo Ramiro, Xavier Santiago, Jeff Clevenger, Bruce Schaub, Erwin Ramthun, and Chris Dusek. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Master Chen briefly spoke about the privileges, responsibilities, and ethics of being one of his disciples.
John Intervalo <>
Sep 20 (2 days ago)
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Master Chen has a google+ account with old photos Click thumbnail to go to album. Google+
- Privileges
- Disciples are automatically authorized to teach.
- Disciples in good standing can represent the Master and the school.
- Disciples have the right to establish their own schools under the Master’s lineage.
- Responsibilities
- All disciples are obligated to promote the system of the Master.
- A disciple must try to visit the Master annually to upgrade his/her learning.
- A personalised application letter (paper form or electronic) must be submitted.
- A letter of reference from one of the disciples must be submitted.
A letter of reference from someone of repute who has known the applicant for more than five year is required from those who do not know anyone in Master Chen Zhonghua’s Practical Method system. Read more

Gransmaster Hong Junsheng Portrait(Sketch)

Gerry Gebhart, Matt Landau, Dean Mayo, Laura Samuels, Michael Winkler are among the new disciples
Full Disciple List

The big gathering of disciples currently at Daqingshan
In 2009 on Daqingshan, Master Chen Zhonghua instructed me to keep one point on my body stable and fixed during push hands practice. The location of the point was up to me; I could make it be the lower back, rear foot, etc. However, the most important thing was to maintain the integrity and stability of the chosen point. Read more
Grandmaster Hong Junsheng
General Principles
o Peng
Peng has been one of the most talked about topics in Taijiquan. Hong defined Peng as having two meanings: one is the upward expanding action of ward-off and the other the overall combined expanding energy that permeates all moves of Taiji. It is the latter meaning of Peng that is most important to him. “Without Peng, there is no Taiji.” Read more
Also known as KT, KT Lin. Male. Born in 1953. Now live in Hong Kong.
Studies Wu Style Taijiquan briefly from Grandmaster Ma Changxun in early 1980s.
Started to learn Practical Method from Master Chen Zhonghua since October 2009 and became an indoor disciple of Master Chen in May 2011.
Visited Daqingshan once a year since 2009. Wrote LEARNING PRACTICAL METHOD ON DAQINGSHAN (1), (2) and (3) to record his experience in learning Practical Method.
Michael Koh was accepted as Master Chen Zhonghua’s disciple in the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method system. The ceremony was attended by Master Hong Sen and Master Xu Jinge. Other disciples present at the event: Tim Duehring and Nicholas Fung.
Wang Long, Su Lei of Rizhao, Shandong Province, and Chen Xu of Yiyuan, Shandong Province, became master Chen Zhonghua’s disciples at a simple ceremony on Daqingshan on Oct. 4, 2012. The ceremony was chaired by master Hong Sen and attended by all participants of the 7th Daqingshan International Taijiquan Seminar. Read more
Rare footage of Grandmaster Hong Junsheng. Li Zongqing was one of his earlier disciple and assistant. This video came from a 1980s film. It was on an occasion that they demonstrated for the governor of Shandong Province in Jinan.