Locations : Daqingshan, China : DQS Activities

Early Morning Training Photos on Daqingshan 20240523. Read more

Inaugural Tianjin Practical Method Seminar Photos 20240316.

A Hike on Daqingshan on October 21, 2023. 大青山涉足20231021-1

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DQS 2015 - Practical Method Germany 2Since Aug, 1st we are here on Daqingshan for Fulltime Training with Master Chen and all fellow students and disciples. Below some more pictures of these days.

We had plenty of opportunities  to improve our Taiji, there were lots of lessons with Master Chen, sceduled ones but also the “little things” in between – just as I was used to experience it on DQS. Very nice, that though the whole thing here is getting bigger, the main spirit did stay the same. Read more

More students has arrived for the competition

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Master Chen is on three weeks trip to China to attend several events. First is at Tan Cheng for workshop and school opening with Master Wang DeYou

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The week October 1 – 7 is holiday in China. Master Chen invited Jiang Linghui (2013, 2014 Daqingshan Champion) to work with the practical method students during the holiday. There are about 30 of them meeting on DQS this long weekend.


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DQSMar14 - 17


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This is a video of Brennen Toh doing Yilu while his arms are restricted by a rubber cord. It helped to reduce his tossing quite a bit.

This was supposed to be a video from the Staff on Daqingshan, but I got called back to the USA before we could record it, so you will have to put up with my solo version.  Read more

This is a photo of construction of the Daqingshan Hotel (4-star) on Nov. 17, 2012. This hotel must be completed by May for the May 25, 2013 Daqingshan International Taiji Festival.

In preparation for the May 2013 Daqingshan Premier International Taiji Festival, the Daqingshan staff have been learning taiji since the summer of 2013. Here is a photo slide of their evening training in November 2013.

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Our first foreign resident of Daqingshan succeeded in making pizza for the Daqingshan staff. He got ingredients from Singapore, Beijing, etc. In the future, Tim will attempt to make more western food when full time students are on Daqingshan.

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Some design samples for the new hotel, restaurant, and Bagua Bay community.

Daqingshan is hosting a week long student camp for local children of grade 3 to grade 6. Matt and Blake is helping teach English class.

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For those who were on Daqingshan before, millet is what most porridge is made of for breakfast. The Northern Chinese think of millet as superior to rice.

Just finished the first day of the seminar. There are about 30 people from the cities of Wulian, Rizhao, Lin Yi, etc. There will be more people coming the next few days. We also have several groups from Weifang. Read more

This video is in Chinese.


2009年10月,第一次上大青山,认识了陈老师,初次领略了实用拳法的奥妙,前已为文记之。下山时,便许下愿心,日后有机会定当再次上山。其实,这想法自然不过。我在大青山上遇见的拳友,没有不被陈老师的为人和功夫所折服的,几乎所有人上山都不止一次。 Read more

More photos below

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2011年5月9日至12日在日照市五莲县大青山举行。 Read more

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Cai Yanping, Dong Yuexing, Cai Shengye, Zhang Guangzong, Li Qingjia, Wang Deyou, Xu Guicheng, Li Chugong, Wang Jinxuan,
Chao Xiuzhen, Liu Weiguo, Chen Zhonghua, Li Shufeng,
蔡延平,董月兴,张广宗, 李庆佳,王德友,许贵成,李储功,李树峰,
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Youtube stabilized

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Mr. Chen Long gave a calligraphy demonstration for the Daqingshan full time taijiquan students in July 2010.

Zhao Weimin visit i

by webmaster on 2010/07/18

Master Zhao Weimin and Master Chen Long, both disciples of Grandmaster Li Enjiu came to Daqingshan to lecture to the full time students at the invitation of master Chen Zhonghua. They were accompanied by Master Gong Hua, disciple of Grandmaster Meng Xianbin. The main teaching was on Qinna in the afternoon. Read more

Master Ni Yuanhai and Master Liu of Linyi visited Daqingshan on July 4, 2010. Both gave students short lectures and demos during their visits.

Fantastic photo slide show of Daqingshan in 2006! Read more