Presenter: Kelvin Ho Length: 64 mins Difficulty: 3/5 Language: English  
Year: 2021 Location: Toronto, Canada

Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy Phone: 780-413-0454
Chen Taiji Practical Method and Hunyuan Taiji practical_method@outlook.com
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This class was taught by Chen Zhonghua on general Practical Method contents.
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by Yuxin Liu on 2021/07/01
The lead. Every move is led by an axis/core movement. No wobbling. BWAPTM. 1. elbow leading;2. Baihui-huiyin axis 3. two knees. Block touching coat. Body/central axis rotation leads the movements. Cross the wrists, rotate. Open the arms, lock, rotate. Two moves Master Chen Zhonghua often practices: 1. rotate the forearm on its own vertical axis; 2. standing with arms relaxed, rotate the central axis. Horizontal and vertical rotations.
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