News : Activities

You will find local class activities on Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method here.

Early Morning Training Photos on Daqingshan 20240523. Read more

Coastal Rizhao set for major sports, leisure events

By Hou Chenchen |

Updated: April 19, 2024

Coastal city Rizhao, in East China’s Shandong province, is gearing up to host a major leisure sports event featuring various outdoor activities, an official said on Wednesday.

Zhang Bingchen, deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Sports Bureau, told reporters that the 2024 China Sports and Leisure Conference and Sports Tourism Season will be held from April to June, with the opening ceremony scheduled for May 9.

Rizhao will host 63 events, including 26 national-level and 16 provincial-level events, with more than 100,000 participants expected.

Gutian Practical Method Seminar Chen Zhonghua Photos 20240325

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Gutian Practical Method Seminar Chen Zhonghua Photos 20240323.

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Gutian) Fujian Province) Practical Method Public Session Chen Xu Push-Hands 20240323.

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Gutian (Fujian Province) Practical Method Public Session 20240323.

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Qingming Festival on Daqingshan 20240404. Qing: Clear. Ming: Bright. Qingming Festival is like the Memorial Day in Canada. It is a day to pay respect to ancestors and heroes. It falls on the 26th day of February each year. This year, it fell on April 4th, 2024.

This year, we have three official days off. Here are some photos of the activities on Daqingshan.

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3rd Yinan Practical Method Seminar Push Hands Photos 20240330.
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Technique Explanations by Chen Zhonghua at the 3rd Yinan Practical Method Seminar 20240330.

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Chen Zhonghua in Molanshanshe Boutique Hotel 20240211.


A Visit to An Indonesia Tropical House 20231128.

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Practical Method Event Photos 2021-










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Singapore Practical Method Workshop Photos 20231202.

Singapore 20231130 – 1MorningGroup

Singapore Bird Paradise 20231201.

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Indonesia Safari Trip 20231127. Practical Method instructors from China are accompanied by local instructors and students to a trip to the local safari zoo.

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Chen Zhonghua Taijiquan is authorised in Quanzhou, China 20231013.

泉州20231013 – 授牌仪式合影 Chen Zhonghua Taiji authorisation ceremony in Quanzhou, Fujian province on Oct. 13, 2023

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European Practical Method Annual Meet-up October 9, 2023.

Chen Zhonghua Attends Linyi “MMA Action” as Special Guest 20230916.

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Photos of the 4th Dongying Chen Zhonghua Taiji Seminar 20230916.

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Today I said goodbye to my Shifu Chen Zhonghua in Gdynia. I just arrived in Vienna, Austria after one month traveling with Shifu, Gerry Gebhart, Chen Ronghua (Curry) and Song Zhenhua (Leo) through 7 European countries.
I met lots of old and new friends. It was great and it’s sad, it has to end. But even the best things in live end…. only to make place for new things.
In the picture below you see Shifu, Chen Xu, Ling Zili and me on my very first Workshop with Shifu in Wuxi, China. And below a picture taken exactly 9 years later in Vicenza Italy with Shifu, Leo, Gerry, Curry and me. With lots of Workshops in between.
There were many highlights along the tour of various nature, like cultural, touristic, culinary, personal and of course Taijiquan Practical Method-ic.
I hope I’ll find the time to render my notes into some articles about those highlights.
To answer one special request by Kevin Chen from Nantes, France briefly: I ate the worst but also the best Hamburger in Italy 😉
By the way:
If you want to practice Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method in Austria, contact me. I’m living close to Vienna and we have a group here. As a disciple it’s my duty and an honor to propagate this rare art. I can show you the special characteristics of Practical Method. It must be experienced, so I invite you to have a look.
I’m also the coordinator for Practical Method in Europe, so if you want to know if there’s somebody close to you doing Practical Method, just text me.
Speaking of coordination: Thanks to all the host on the tour for the great workshops. And also a big “Thank you!” to their helping hands. It was a great time!
Raymond Dickey from London, England
Pavel Codl from Prag, Czech Republic
Sven Gusowski from Berlin, Germany
Thomas Poitreau from Bordeaux, France
Giuseppe Bon from Vicenza, Italy
Damian Jagosz from Żywiec, Poland
and last but not least
Tomek Raganowicz from Gdynia, Poland
Special thanks for helping me out organizing the Workshop in Vienna, Austria goes to
Fabian Kassing and Ewald Artacker
And a special thanks for retrieving my laptop which I forgot on the plane in Bordeaux goes to Thomas’ wife: Claire

Day 2 Photos of the Chen Zhonghua Gdynia Practical Method Workshop 20230402.

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Gdynia Practical Method Workshop Photos on April 1, 2023.

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Thanks everyone for a wonderful weekend workshop. I also would like to thank my Hunyuan sister Lin Jie from Tokyo for coming to see us and teach the Hunyuan bang/ruler set! Thanks to Jeff and Sooyeon for the Whistler trip!

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Chen Ronghua, a disciple of Master Chen Zhonghua in Yangshuo, Guilin, China, was featured on Guilin Page on Facebook 20221104. Here are some photos:

Another great way to discover Yangshuo, Guilin!
Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art advocating using softness to resist hardness. Chen Ronghua, who’s the disciple of Chen Zhonghua (the international standard bearer of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method) and the head instructor of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method in Yangshuo, Guilin. To better inherit and promote Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method, he teaches locals and foreign tourists to practice Tai Chi. Practicing Tai Chi between the hills and rivers of Yangshuo, you will get an insight into Chinese culture.

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Ben Phillips of Toronto became Chen Zhonghua’s 379th disciple in a brief ceremony at the Annual Toronto Practical Method Seminar.

Ben Phillips Discipleship Ceremony 20221010

Group Photo of all disciples at the ceremony!

Ben Phillips of Toronto became Chen Zhonghua’s 379th disciple in a brief ceremony at the Annual Toronto Practical Method Seminar

41st Daqingshan Practical Method Seminar 20220926.

41st Daqingshan Practical Method Seminar participants on top of Qingshan Summit.

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In a brief ceremony at the Queenstown Event Center on Sept. 6, 2022, Yuxin Liu was inducted as Chen Zhonghua’s 378th disciple.

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On Jan. 9, 2022, Guangrao held its annual Practical Method general assembly. It was hosted by Hu Xiuyun, one of Master Chen Zhonghua’s local disciples. 40 People attended the event.

Chen Zhonghua Taijiquan Academy Guang Rao Branch 2021 Annual Meet.

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Thanks to Instructors Chen Xu and Qiu Yingdong, and host Zhuang Yan. The 11th Practical Metod Seminar in Quanzhou, Fujian, China was a big success! Read more

Special thanks to Alex, Gora, James, ATNI members and all live zoom attendees for contributing and tuning into this Live Webinar on 14 Nov 2021.  It was a great success!!

  1. On the last 5 mins prior to closing (in this recorded session), ATNI and James gave a sneak preview on the upcoming Sunday (21 Nov 2021) for an Exclusive Interview with Master Chen Zhong Hua (@7pm Jakarta Time +7 GMT = 5am Edmonton time).

Kindly mark this special event on your calendar!!

Playback recording for today’s session at link below:


Past Video Highlight
On 31 Oct 2021 @ 1600 (Jakarta local time), the Alliance Taijiquan National Indonesia cordially invite Mr James Strider of PM Perth, Australia together with Mr Andi Maman & Jojo (PM Jakarta & Jogjakarta Branch) for the 23rd Webinar Session.  

Name: Jojo Juarsa 蔡学超

Location: Tangerang Warehouse, Indonesia

Date: 27 Oct 2021

Mission: Preparing for Yilu Challenge (Nov-Dec 2021)

Regardless of the current difficulties this year, we will be organizing the 5th European Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Meet-Up. It continues this year close to Żywiec, Poland on August 28th through 29th. This years host is Damian Jagosz, who is a very dedicated student of our style Read more

Practical Method training photos in Yangshuo, China 20210613 Read more


Yangsuo (Guilin) Practical Method is set to debut at the local Elementary School on June 1st, 2021! This is a video of the students rehearsing for the public ceremony on June 1st.

Chen Zhonghua:
When I grew up in China in the 1960s, Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts including Taiji) was an everyday, every person activity, much like hockey for Canada and Baseball for the USA.
Unfortunately that was lost later on. Today, together with many other like-minded martial artists, I endeavor in putting the art back into the lives of people in China, starting with school children.

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June 1st is Children’s Day in China! Read more

Some of the Daqingshan Full time students hiked up Yongcuixia on May 30, 2021. This is a 6 km hike on Daqingshan. It is the most difficult hike. It traverses 5 mountains and most of the hike is steep. The narrow paths and steps are mostly overgrown with various vines in the summer and covered with snow in the winter.

This hike shows you the true “nature” of Daqingshan.

This is the Peacock sanctuarary in the Sabo Park in the main tourist area of Daqingshan. It is also the end of the Yongcuixia Hike, returning to the Taiji school.

This is the Peacock sanctuarary in the Sabo Park in the main tourist area of Daqingshan. It is also the end of the Yongcuixia Hike, returning to the Taiji school.

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I went to the park to train. It’s the end of the school year so schools have picnics. 5 girls approached me and wanted to learn…so I taught them the first posture. Two school officials approached me and inquired…I gave them my background. It’s a private school and the asked me to teach Taiji next school year. I continued to practice…between yilus a group of 15 kids approached me and wanted to learn….public training is good recruitment of students…

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