Locations : Daqingshan, China : DQS Sights

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DQS Turnaround i

by admin2 on 2011/05/12

I had to make an emergency visit to Daqingshan. True to my tradition this year, I brought cold whether. Daqingshan had an ice and snow storm. Read more

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Some from Tim; some from Xu Jing. Wangting refers to the founder of Chen Style Taijiquan Chen Wangting. Read more

Here are some photos of a hike on Daqingshan by some of the Practical Method masters. We hiked from the Han Emperor Palace to the Dragon’s Abyss and then to the Garden.
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大青山旅行见闻 i

by wuamin on 2010/08/09

7月10日,我第二次来到大青山,7月18日才离开,住了整整一个星期。眨眼已经过去快一个月了,可大青山的有些景象还是很清晰的保留在我的脑海里。 Read more

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Evergreen Valley Photos i

by admin on 2010/06/27

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It’s a beautiful sunny day on Daqingshan. These are photos taken at 5:30 am. The main point of instruction today is “Don’t move your hands”.

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大青山游后感 i

by wuamin on 2010/06/23

2010年6月17号下午5点多,我和我爸到达大青山上,开始了这段不足一周的体验。我爸爸是因为喜欢太极拳才一次又一次地上山,而我是第一次来到这个我爸讲过无数次的大青山,没有确切目的,可以说是为了散散心,也可以说是为了练习英语口语。 Read more

一些2006年的大青山照片。 Read more

Here are some photos of what Daqingshan looked like in 2005. 这是大青山2005年的几张照片。 Read more

Here are some photos of Daqingshan in April 2010.

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May is locust flower season on Daqingshan, China. In previous years, we held our annual full time taiji courses on Daqingshan from May to July. This year we have a late start in June. Here is a photo of the locust flower on Daiqngshan last week for those who miss the sweet aroma of the flowers and the hum of a million bees.

Daqingshan 2009 i

by fulltime on 2010/03/17

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Daqingshan 2007 Photos i

by admin on 2009/06/15

Some photos of Daqingshan in 2007。大青山照片 Read more

Fantastic photo slide show of Daqingshan in 2006! Read more