In this mini video, Master Chen Zhonghua explains the concept of “In With Elbow, No Hand; Out With Hand, No Elbow”. This is the famous ten-word adage by Grandmaster Hong Junsheng. Master Chen shows how this adage can be translated into actions in our Practical Method system.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 6 min. In: English Year: 2020 Difficulty:1/5 At:Edmonton Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy
Shop : Essential Videos
These essential videos are recommended for a step by step study procedure.
The individual six sections are sold for 70 dollars. You can purchase them as a full package for 50 dollars.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty: 1/5 At: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

how to create and the functions of vertical axis.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 8 min. In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty:2/5 At:Edmonton
Forms 55-68 of the Yilu Routine.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 9 min. In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty:1/5 At:Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
You can buy all six videos for $40.00 here:
Forms 45-54 of the Yilu Routine.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 7 min. In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty:1/5 At:Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
You can buy all six videos for $40.00 here:
Yilu Detailed Instructions Section 3, 2015. This section includes moves 29-44 of the Yilu form.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 23 min. In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty:1/5 At:Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
You can buy all six videos for $40.00 here:

This video cover: Move 14 – 28 . Other video in the series: Section 1
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 23 min. In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty:1/5
You can buy all six videos for $40.00 here:

This is section one of 6 sections of the Yilu Detailed Instructions video by Master Chen Zhonghua. The instruction is set against a grid wall and grid floor so students can see precise positions of each move. This is a must-have for students of the Practical Method system. This video cover: Move 1 – 13. Other video in the series: Section 2
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 21 min. In: English Year: 2015 Difficulty:2/5 At:Edmonton
You can buy all six videos for $40.00 here:
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 47 mins Difficulty: 1/5 Language: English
Year: 2013 Location: Australia
1. Beginning
2. Positive circle part one
3. Positive circle part two
4. Positive circle part three
5. Positive circle part four
6. Double positive circle
7. Double positive circle moving step (Big Red Fist)
8. Negative circle
9. Double negative circle
10. Positive-negative circle (Pole shaking)
11. Fetch water
12. Six sealing and four closing
13. Full Yilu demonstration in Perth.
Basic Foundation Video 2009 can be found here.

General theory of practical method: door hinge and the vertical axis. Lever and the pivoting point. Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 17 min. In: English Year: 2013 Difficulty:1/5 At: Oakland, CA. USA

Author: Chen Zhonghua Length: 1:15 minutes Language: English Location: Victoria, Canada Chapters: 85 Year: 2003

By: Chen Zhonghua 陈中华. Length: 82 minutes 分钟. Language: Mandarin Chinese 中文. Date: Dec. 2008 年 Location: Daqingshan, China.大青山

The human energy flows in the body in an organized way which we cannot see with the naked eye or feel by ourselves. The way the energy flows is defined in Taiji as Energy Alignment. This is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction). Please see Energy Alignment 2, 3, 4 for trailers Author: Chen Zhonghua. Length: 1:00 hour long Language: English Postures: 1-28 (sections 1 and 2)

Energy Alignment is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction).
Author作者:Chen Zhonghua 陈中华 Length: 1:09 hours 小时 Language: English 英文 Postures: 29-49 (sections 3 and half of 4)动作

Energy Alignment is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction). By: Chen Zhonghua 陈中华 Language: English 英文 Length: 43:41 Minutes分钟 Postures: 50-68 (finish section 6) 动作

Energy Alignment is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction).
By: Chen Zhonghua 陈中华 Language: English 英文 Length: 39:45 Minutes分钟 Postures: 68-81 动作

Language: Chinese By: Chen Zhonghua Length: 21 minutes
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 69 mins Difficulty: 3/5 Language: English
Year: 2003 Location: Edmonton, Canada
Cannon Fist also known as Erlu is the next form students learn after mastering Yilu.

By: Chen Zhonghua. Length: 47 minutes. Language: English. Year: 2008 Location: Edmonton, Canada
Hunyuan 38 form demonstration by Chen Zhonghua

By: Chen Zhonghua. Language: English. Length: 84 minutes. Year: 2008
In this video, Master Chen Zhonghua went through all 12 forms of the Hunyuan Qigong system and gave clear and detailed instructions and explanations of movements, energy and intent.

By: Chen Zhonghua. Length: 52 minutes. Language: English. Year: 2001
In this video Master Chen Zhonghua goes over the entire 12 forms of the Hunyuan Qigong system. A voice over explanation is given while the form demonstration is continuous and not interrupted. Hunyuan Qigong is an excellent system of external and internal atonement created by Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang. Master Chen Zhonghua learned the system from Grandmaster Feng, and is an indoor disciple of his.

By: Chen Zhonghua. Language: English. Length: 61 minutes. Year: 2004 Part 1 of a 4-DVD set by Master Chen Zhonghua on the applications of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method yilu routine.

By: Chen Zhonghua. Language: English. Length: 53 minutes. Year: 2004. Part 2 of a 4-DVD series by Master Chen Zhonghua on the applications of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method yilu routine.

By: Chen Zhonghua. Length: 44 minutes. Language: English. Year: 2004 Part 3 of a 4-DVD series by Master Chen Zhonghua on the applications of the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method system.

By: Chen Zhonghua. Language: English. Length: 1 hour. Year: 2004 Part 4 of a 4 part video set on Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu applications by Master Chen Zhonghua. It can be used while learning the Yilu routine or as advanced learning after one has finished learning the choreography of the form.