Knowledge : Principle-List

It is not opening/closing but rather coiling/uncoiling and compressing/releasing.

It is not about using no force but using enormous amount of forces to maintain the rigidity of the structure, the integrity of the core and the efficiency of the move.

It is not about balance but balanced forces.

It is not about flexibility but the ability to stretch to produce a split or separation

Overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers is crucial in comprehending the profound meaning of Tàijíquán. Students of the Practical Method are fortunate to have Master Chen as their guide, navigating the intricacies and enigmas of this art. In 2010, Master Chen authored a concise Chinese summary of twenty-four essential principles within the Practical Method. This summary was subsequently refined in 2012. We have now translated this invaluable set of rules into English.

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All taiji techniques must be from the 13 postures. All 13 postures must be from the separation of yin and yang. Read more

The purpose of training is to enhance the hardness of the body in every aspect. This is a quality issue.  Read more

Movements are in the bones; rotations are in the joints. All Practical Method movements are straight movements. The system requires rotations. Rotations are achieved in two ways: Read more

The understanding of vertical movements (line) and horizontal movements (line) is vital. Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method system requires that all movements must be along the vertical line, not the horizontal line.  Read more

Suspended head is an important principle of the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. The suspended head allows the vertical stretch of the body to take place. This creates two lines in the body: 1) head left foot vertical line. 2) head right foot vertical line.  Read more

The contacting point must stay in contact with the opponent. Don’t add anything or take away anything. By following this technical principle, one is also complying with the principle of indirect power.  Read more

Every push in the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method system must be converted into a pull. This is a major concept.  Read more

Power on the opponent must be indirect. Any local power must be used only for adherence (zhuo, 着法). Indirect power is a key concept in the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method system.

This is the requirement of the erected calf. In many styles of martial art, this concept is referred to as zhuang, pile, stake or zhan zhuang.

Tossing is action without rotation or without an axis.

Rotation is the key characteristic of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. It sets this art apart from other arts. There are no natural rotations in human movements. They are made up as a result of specialized training in the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method system.

This is the hand-elbow relationship. This method ensures that the hand and elbow are connected on a line so as to be useful in conducting energy.

This is the “ten character dictum” by Grandmaster Hong Junsheng. Read more

This is the vertical alignment for the third vertical line. The kua acts as a socket for the shoulder. The shoulder does not physically sit inside the kua but must always be sitting in the kua remotely in terms of position and direction.

Power always goes upwards. Wherever the power is, there must be a lid on top of it to keep it down and keep it from leaking out. Read more

This concept is similar to the idea that what driving downhill, don’t put your car into neutral. Power must be constant and consistent in all taiji movements.

By following this principle of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method, our taiji actions will be different from normal human movements. We therefore, no longer “move” (Don’t move!). We become the other “Kind”. Read more

Inside and outside is a set of yin and yang. This principle refers to the movements in this set of yin yang separation. Read more

The outside must always be stronger than the inside like a bomb and an egg. The shells are considered outside. The reference to stronger or not of the outside and inside refers only to the physical property.

Don’t move! Don’t move your hands! Don’t move your torso! Don’t move your body! Don’t move your center! Don’t move your knee! Don’t move your feet! Read more

This is another special characteristic and principle of the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. First raised by GM Hong Junsheng.

Sit the wrist is a special term used in Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. It means that the wrist must be stretched open into a curved position and then locked into place. This is also part of the Tile Hand requirement.

The classic mention of this term is “understanding the three joints” (明三节). Read more

“the inside stays on the inside and the outside stays on the outside” is a major taiji principle. The five heads are considered outside; everything else is considered inside.

The kua must be higher than the knee. This ensures that the lower body stance remains an bridge arch. If the kua is lower than the knee, then this arch is reversed.

In transitional and extreme cases, this principle is temporarily violated.

Zhou Bu Li Lei. 肘不离肋。

The elbow can move past the centerline of the body. It can also go down and go inwards. It cannot move upwards or outwards.

This means that the left hand must only be allowed to move in the left side of the torso. The right hand is only allowed to move in the right side of the torso. The demarcation line is the centerline of the chest.

When doing the bare-hand form and pushing hands with an opponent, one must keep the power constant. This is one of the characteristics of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. By keeping to this principle, one will gradually gain more internal abilities.

Power in the body must be constant
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One part of the body can only perform one function. This is an important rule in taijiquan. If followed, the separation of yin and yang will be made possible. Otherwise, all movements are actually one or the same regardless what the practitioner feels, thinks or believes. Read more

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    1. The elbow and waist (from one side of the waist to the other side) must have a Read more
  1. The hand and foot must have a connection through the waist, or dantiian area. In this case the waist becomes the modifier. Read more

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“Withdraw is to issue” is an important concept in Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method. It is also a measurement of level of skill in this style. Here Master Chen explains a technical aspect of this skill. Read more

The knees are hinge joints, unlike ball joints. They only allow the thigh to move up and down. They cannot move horizontally.