Online Lesson with Kelvin 4/1/21 -7 Count and Positive Circle

by John Cheng on 2021/04/02


Seven Counts of Beginning Movements

Ready- Left Palm horizontal

  1. Turn to right
  2. Pull left toe in
  3. Shovel out left heel
  4. Shift weight
  5. Right hand out
  6. Pull up right elbow/knee
  7. Put foot and fist down

In consideration of the form always be thinking about…

  1. Hand out or elbow in
  2. Positive or negative circle


Ready- Feet facing front shoulder width apart. Chest caved in.  Shoulders relaxed.  Left Palm Horizontal. Right thumb touching midline chest.

  1. 1st movement-Left tip middle finger stays fixed in space. Left elbow sinks and crosses midline to right.  Left palm faces up and right palm faces down.  No tossing.  Turn right foot 45 degrees.
  2. Lock right knee as you pull left foot in while staying locked in right shoulder.
  3. Left Toe changes to left heel.  Shovel left heel, drives downward and forward. Toes pointing to nose.
  4. Shift weight to left half horse-45 degrees
  5. Right hand horizontally goes out, stretch with left elbow but left hand stays midline on chest
  6. Lock left knee/foot and pull forward with right elbow sinking.  Head level.  Only knee moves up.
  7. Body compresses

Misc- Must first put screwdriver into slot of nail.  Driving hand forward.

During transition of positions, there should not be slack in your rubber band.

The ground up is how to build a steady top

Positive Circle

  1.  In with elbow and keep it touching ribs.  Palm facing ground.
  2. Turn waist with elbow touching ribs.  Locking rear shoulder. Middle finger facing front.  Wrist must be seated and flat.
  3. Out with hand

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