I have been a fan of Master Chen for a while, am a member of his web site and have watched many of his videos. I learned the Practical Method Yilu form and the various training exercises but had never met Master Chen before. When Jeff called and told me about the opportunity to meet Master Chen I knew this was something I had to take advantage of. I found Master Chen very personable and easy to relate to. His knowledge of taichi is vast and his skill is very impressive.

Gary Readore
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Thanks again everyone for making it on short notice and in the middle of the week. Thank you again Master Chen for letting me know you would be passing through.
Jeff Clevenger…
Sir, If you have any available time to chat please call me at 1-346-814-8414
Mark Neis
Houston, Texas
I like to Thank Jeff, & Gary for inviting me for this special session! I say special because this was very special for me to get a chance to train with Master Chen! Like Gary, I also have been following Master Chen online for about 4 years. I was planning on going to a workshop hopefully in 2017 or 2018 somewhere because this was on my bucket list which was to experience Master Chen training first-hand, so this was great! The training was very helpful & a lot of questions were answered for me. Master Chen was very down to earth, kind, knowledgeable, SKILLFULL, & also funny, so the experience was all that I expected it to be! I can’t wait to train again with Master Chen! Thank you Master Chen!