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2012 New York Workshop photos
Previous post: Chen Xu Push Hand Pt 1
Next post: John Upshaw became Chen Zhonghua’s recent disciple
Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy Phone: 780-413-0454
Chen Taiji Practical Method and Hunyuan Taiji practical_method@outlook.com
by Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy on 2012/06/04
Previous post: Chen Xu Push Hand Pt 1
Next post: John Upshaw became Chen Zhonghua’s recent disciple
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
My total disappointment in knowing this workshop was going on only 300 miles from my home and I would finally have been able to meet Master Chen is only compounded by the fact that I see Michael, Todd, Linlin, Kelvin and some other familiar faces who i haven’t learned the names of, that i would have loved to have the opportunity to train with and learn from. So sorry to have missed it…..
I came with my brother and a friend. This was our first time coming to Master Chen’s workshop. I had followed Master Chen online for a while and had watched his classic Yilu demonstration dozens of times. So I came with high expectations. However, the experience totally went beyond what I could imagine. Master Chen not only demonstrated Tai Ji’s terrifying power with ease, but also revealed the subtle techniques with such clarity. The hands-on experience with Master Chen was particularly intriguing. Others who participated in the workshop were all so nice and kind in helping us with the learning and the practice. It was truly an enriching experience.