Punch Alignment Online Video

by admin on 2010/12/14

In this short video clip, Master Chen Zhonghua explains the energy alignment of the body when punching.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Anthony Reid April 3, 2012 at 3:28 pm

Hi Sifu,
i wanted to know is their somewhere on this site where you can purchase
multiple items at a discount instead of paying for each item seperately?

I am not a Chen stylist, but i know and recognize pratical instruction when i see and here it.

There are not many teachers that allow access to their iformation and methods that explain what a student should be doing and why the way you do.

For this reason you are 1 of a few who i freely recommend to those who want the real practical method
of Taijiquan.

One of my students is a Chen xiao jia stylist originally, and his teacher was taught by Chen Peishan. because of this i encourgage him not to lose his Chen xiao jia form and he has gotten better at it too.

I teach him Yang style , but always have him show me his chne form so that i can be sure he is still training it & so far so good. he was able to see his teacher recently which made me feel happy for him since he now lives in Maryland and his teacher is in New Jersey.

thankyou for your time and just being who and how you are. You maynot have the title of natrional treasure, but you have the worth that allows for such a titale to be legit imho. Namaste


levirta September 16, 2016 at 4:41 pm

This is awesome and will confirm to my daughter I am nuts. I ordered on to read to her anyways and look forward to it.The artwork looks spectacular and I can’t wait to show her. My wife / bank account will probably not agree but keep up the good work!


admin2 April 5, 2012 at 1:10 am

>>i wanted to know is their somewhere on this site where you can purchase
multiple items at a discount instead of paying for each item separately?
Hi, the site offers webdollar feature which is dollar equivalent to buy online video access for the website. You can get discount on webdollar at http://practicalmethod.com/coin


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