“Who Is First?” Online Video Purchase

by Shopmaster on 2022/02/27

Presenter: Chen Zhonghua  Length: 0 mins  Difficulty: 3/5  Language: English  
Year: 2019  Location: Edmonton Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy  

Who Is First?
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I am using this video clip to introduce the Chinese concept of "If the opponent does not move, I don't move. If he is about to move, I move after him but arrive before him. "
This has also been rendered as "If the opponent does not move, I don't move. If he is about to move, I move before him. "

Please watch as discuss what you see and what you think in relation to Practical Method moves.

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{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

John Upshaw February 27, 2022 at 6:12 am

The person with the sword has unnecessary moves before he is about to do something. Harrison Ford’s move is limited to the action that finishes the fight.


pingwei March 3, 2022 at 7:40 pm

Different realms. Irrelevant to Practical Method.
The Chinese character ”后“ has different meanings. It can refer to time sequence, “后“ follows, or after. (I think that’s the video discussion about.) It also can refer to space, “后“ is behind, behind the confrontational line. The power is indirect power, the main feature of Practical Method.


Carlotta Viviani March 4, 2022 at 4:10 pm

Some random thoughts, cause I cannot really get this scene out of my head…
I don‘t know the movie, by only watching this scene it seems to me that we don‘t see the gun. It‘s hidden, until it shoots. This reminds me of the topic that what we cannot process we call it fast. Of course I can think of many examples in P.M. like our body performing at the same time different moves in different dimensions, or videos with Shifu‘s words and demonstrations: „the crucial move is the one you think is meaningless! You think I‘m here(arms), but can you see my foot?“
On the same line I‘ve heard many people saying that Italians speak very fast, but that the Italians say that Germans speak fast, and they say that french people speak fast and so on. We think it‘s fast when we don‘t understand the language. What we‘re not aware of, what takes us by surprise, we say it’s fast.

„You don‘t move, I don‘t move. You move, I move/arrive first“… like the shadow.


Carlotta Viviani March 5, 2022 at 10:54 am

Adding some other considerations after reviewing Shifu‘s English Instructors class.
If something is so fast you cannot see it (like the animal cannot see the shot arrow), we can also say that if we cannot see it, it‘s fast. Yin-yang reversal.
The shape is a dot. If we have a line we have length, but we can be in a position where our opponent only sees a dot. A dot moving in space is very difficult to see.
If time is cheated, space also disappears. And we can reverse it. If space is not there, there is no time.
Our body parts must be very tight, no space.


Nikolai April 29, 2024 at 12:35 am

Good (smart) vs. evil (stupid). Same old story. Life becomes a movie, after…
I prefer the Star Wars setting because of Aliens. Nice movies anyway.


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