Notes from Kelvin Ho’s Lesson on April 18, 2021

by Barbara Li on 2021/04/19

Kelvin corrected me on #42 to #44

#42 Embrace Head to Push Mountain

Starting position: chest facing N; hand facing W; half-horse stance R foot rear, L foot front.

  1. L hand elbow in, palm up, come around to R side, past R shoulder.
  2. R hand, palm down, at L armpit.
  3. Hinging on R elbow, swing R hand palm down diagonally towards NE.
  4. Adjust stance slightly, by moving heels, so that L foot becomes rear and R foot front.
  5. Foot in Hand out – bring R foot in and push R hand further out by straightening elbow, in scissors-like action.
  6. Negative Circle both hands.
  7. Hands “holding up” head, above shoulders, on either side of the head.
  8. Push both hands down on R side, similar to Six Sealing Four Closing; at the same time take a big step to the R, but unlike Six Sealing Four Closing, L foot stays put.

#43 Change Palm Three Times

  1. Imagine a long narrow tube slanting down between your 2 hands. Stretch out L hand, palm inside tube, palm facing left.
  2. Stretch out R hand inside tube, palm down, while at the same time withdraw L elbow having L hand palm up.
  3. Arms wrap around in straight line front of abdomen, R arm inside, L arm outside.

#44 Oblique Single Whip

  1. R hand comes out from under L elbow, forming bird beak, going all the way to the right, shoulder level, similar to Single Whip.
  2. Shift weight to R foot. Take a small step to bring L foot closer to R foot, then take a big diagonal step to land L foot so that chest faces NE.
  3. Extend L hand all the way to the left, shoulder level, similar to Single Whip.

Position check: chest faces NE; 2 feet on NW line; half-horse stance.

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Kelvin Ho April 19, 2021 at 6:18 pm

Starting position: chest facing N; hand facing W; half-horse stance R foot rear, L foot front.

Adjust stance slightly, by moving heels, so that L foot becomes rear and R foot front.

Stretch out R hand inside tube, palm down, while at the same time withdraw L elbow having L hand palm up.


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