…Anton gets a private…get big, never move small…
- rotations should never be felt
- always make movements big, and correctly curved
- rotations are expansions, never be small
- create long lines, never shrink, create and maintain big expansions
- move the body as a locked unit, hand never moves
- have to be able to ‘de-construct’ Yilu to begin to understand it
- find ways in individual training to increase the amount of stretch without going beyond curves
- rearfoot stretches away from hand stretch to ‘fill’ front hand and arm with Peng, then drop body to create a longer line
- stick to the opponent as you move forward, then with hand(s) in contact try to push by retreating, maintain ‘bite’ and move foot backwards and down into the ground to advance hand(s)
- use hips/kua to ‘knife’ forward, taking opponent’s space, keep rest of body locked
- most of class GM was guiding Anton’s body into various positions that approximated the correct movements, then gave him detailed instructions on how much and what type of pressure to use and what the correct ratio of gears between body parts; all aimed at giving Anton the experience of moving with increased PM correctness
…learning to live a breath at a time…