Three Vertical Stretches of the Body

by Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy on 2018/08/07

The three basic vertical stretches:

Hold the head 抓住头

1. Sink the torso 下沉躯干

Hold the head to sink the shoulders. This stretches the neck.

抓住腋窝 Hold the Armpit 下沉躯干 Sink the Torso

2. Hold the armpit to sink the Dantian. This stretches the torso.

Hold the Thigh 抓住大腿 拉开躯干 Open the torso

3. Hold the front of the thigh to stretch the opposite shoulder. This stretches to kua.
-Chen Zhonghua August 2018 New York Workshop Day Two.

About Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy

Chen Style Taijiquan 19th generation disciple. International Standard Bearer of the Practical Method system of Hong Junsheng. Second generation master of Hunyuan Taiji. Been teaching internationally since 1985. Educated in the West with a Master's Degree in Education. Highly accomplished through the lineage of two great masters. Disciplined, precise and powerful. He teaches a complete system of taiji based on the principle of yin yang separation; indirect power as a core concept; movement and tranquility as the source of action. In both theory and practice, his taijiquan deals with the problems of double-heavy. He is a real treasure of the heritage of taijiquan.

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