1. Chen Zhonghua demonstration: Yilu 3-13. 2. Practice. 3. Differential. 4. Energy transmission. 5. Connection spot. 6. Hollow chest. 7. Tipped Dang. 8. Error corrections. 9. 3-dimensional circle. 10. Taiji 3-Theory.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 55 min. In: English Year: 2012 Difficulty:4/5 At:Toronto, Canada
“Toronto Workshop September 2012 Volume 3” Online Video Trailer
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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
“Phenomenal” would be a good word to describe this video. Master Chen discusses an aspect of perceived power related to the feeling of the opponents power being instantly circulated back to them. The method, which he actually gives us, is related to the concept of differential, where power fluctuation on different parts of the body collectively create the “phenomenon” which is largely only the perception of the person on the receiving end of it. Having felt it first hand, I can say the effect is very real, confounding, and overwhelming at the same time. Many people in the Taiji world talk about Masters of the previous generation having this ability… it’s even written about in the classics…nobody discusses the “method”…..I hope you won’t grow tired of me thanking you all the time Master Chen.
While this is another fantastic video in its entirety, the three sections that I found particularly interesting were connection spot, hollow chest and error corrections.
Connection spot discusses the potential of Taijiquan once you find that spot.
In hollow chest, the word hollow is precise. You don’t have to understand it now. I used to use concave. No more. When you are hollow, you will understand.
The error corrections are great because they are Master Chen showing the error and the correction with his own body rather than fixing it on a student.
Hi Master Chen
Thanks you for this series, as it has been incredibly informative and beneficial. In this clip you mentioned that there was a training method that one of the students was already benefiting from to train the tail bone split. Could you elaborate or make a clip on what this training method is please? Cheers