My Martial Art Odyssey

by Gigi Firicel on 2012/04/24

I met Master Chen in Prague, more than that , I took a private hour lesson to check my Yilu. It was an old dream of mine from childhood to meet a master and  study with him.

Because of many reasons it was not possibile until now.
I started my search in 2009, after some years of external practice and a long pause, watching You tube taiji videos almost every day.After two years I had some image about schools, styles etc.

I  also read  about yi quan , xing yi, ba gua on wikipedia, I watched documentaries on CCTV, (even if I didn’ t understand much) .The internet is a great tool. Overall the image was nobody knows how to explain what it is all about.
Also, at the beginning you dont know who are the good guys and who are he bad guys: too many fake teachers on the net.
I noticed some skillfull masters from Chen Style ( Liu Chengde , Li Chugong) and I digged for information about school of provenience. It was Practical Method of Hong Junsheng.
I found on the internet a guy in my country ( in Bucharest – Romania) who had studied  Yang style and also Chen Practical Method with Xue Bin in Nanjing – China. He is the only guy in Romania who contacted Practical Method.The teacher of Xue Bin is Liu Huiyou who  is a taiji brother of Master Chen Zhonghua ( Master Chen told me so in Prague).
Again Practical Method.I read about Master Chen and I watched his videos on You tube but I never accesed his site. After two and a half  years I decided to acces the site because it was the only site with a completed series of videos in English and it was Practical Method.After I watched some videos I caught the idea, and video after video I built a theoretical image of Practical Method.I learnt Yilu and practiced at the same time. Then I wanted to meet Master Chen.
My first  realisation is that now I know the truth about taiji and what it is.  I created a site and in time I want to develop it with more information to find people who  first  understand  Practical Method and then practice it in my country.
Also, next year I want to go in Prague second time and  meet  Master Chen to check my Yilu.

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Pavel Codl April 25, 2012 at 6:48 am

Keep on Gigi. And here is the Romanian site set up by Gigi:
enjoy 🙂


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