Master Chen Yilu in 2007, Iowa

by Wilkin Ng on 2011/12/25

A good video to compare with the Victoria 2009 yilu (the one in the left sidebar). Please comment your observation of the differences.

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ajax314 December 26, 2011 at 12:07 pm

The moves seem to be tighter in the video on the left. There is a lot more power also. Master Chen also is more fluent in that video as well.


mountainroad December 26, 2011 at 6:26 pm

Here are my observations:
2009 Spine strong and erect.
2009 very clear distinction the body did not move with the arm.


fbates December 29, 2011 at 3:56 pm

Based off of appearances only:

The 2007 Yi Lu appears “lighter”?, As if Master Chen is swimming through water or air. The connection of the arms to the rest of the body is less obvious. Overall the execution is extremely smooth.

The 2009 Yi Lu appears heavier, more rooted, more powerful as if his movements are treading through mud or mortar. The moves are much more compact, look more connected the body.


KYGoh January 4, 2013 at 5:18 am

So different, in just two years!! Are you sure they are the same person?? 🙂


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