“Rod In The Body 2020.07.21” Online Video Purchase

by Shopmaster on 2020/07/22


Chen Zhonghua teaches how to produce a rod or rods in the body. Presenter: Chen Zhonghua   Length: 6 min.   In: English   Year: 2020  Difficulty:1/5  At:Edmonton Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy

Rod In The Body 2020.07.21
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Ben July 25, 2020 at 8:39 pm

Hi. I couldn’t purchase via PayPal. Please consider other payment providers (awepay etc). PayPal has a tendency to get stuck with credit card verification although there is nothing wrong with the credit card!!
Thank you.


Kelvin Ho August 2, 2020 at 11:53 pm

0:05 How to produce a rod in the body in relation to Step Back to Whirl Arms? From Fist Under Elbow, just get to the postition where the right hand comes up from under the left elbow, and is now extended (not fully extended) and can be locked in space.

1:35 The rod that we want to focus is between the right hand and the right shoulder. The right elbow with the right hand and right shoulder form a triangle (an upside-down coat hanger). With the rod not moving, the elbow goes underneath the rod.

1:40 Master Chen demonstrated what it means by the rod moving. We can see from the camera angle that the rod didn’t stay in the same place.

2:19 With the left hand in front and out, we lock it in space. The rod is now between the left hand and the left shoulder, we rotate the elbodw under the rod. When that action is done, we switch the rod to between the left hand and right shoulder, and then we continue to rotate around that rod.

2:44 With the right hand in front and out, but lower this time. We want to elongate the line between the right hand and the left shoulder. The other body parts simply adjust to make it happen.

4:00 Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pound Mortar: At the begining of this move, we must maintain a central vertical rod from the head down. The movements are activated by the two kuas and two knees. The shoulders may appear to move themselves, but they are just being moved. The middle (dantian) is totally fixed. We are just stretching around it. A ball centered on a rod, the ball may appear to spin around the rod, but the rod has not displacement. Other examples include a lolly pop and a rattle drum.

5:54 There is no waving of the hands freely. However, on the surface, it may appear like that because of the combinations of things that are done at the same time to produce a wholistic move.

There are two kinds of actions regarding a rod:
1) Telescoping Action
2) Rotisserie Action

These two actions can each be carried out using the follwoing two methods:
a)Fix the middle, move the two ends.
b)Fix the two ends, move the middle.


James Tam August 4, 2020 at 1:53 am

Nice way of looking at it! However, two thoughts come to mind … (i) Rotisserie action to me is a rotation, which (a) and (b) could not provide? And (ii) Pivoting action is an important action of a rod that should be included in the list?


Kelvin Ho August 4, 2020 at 1:53 am

Regarding the rotisserie action, think about a rod as a T-bar or a hand drill, which has something that sticks out from a rod. Another way to think about (a) as Lock the inside, move the outside, and (b) as Lock the outside, move the inside. Auger vs Rattle Drum.


Kelvin Ho August 4, 2020 at 1:55 am

Combining telescoping action and rotisserie action is a drilling action creating a spiral.


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