Sven Carl Gusowski

for further information and/or registration, please go here:

please please sign up here

sign up here – hier anmelden until / bis 01.11.2023

sign up here – hier anmelden until / bis 18.06.2023

for further information and/or registration, please go here:


In order both to celebrate the Chinese New Year and to prepare for Master Chen Zhonghua’s upcoming European tour, Carlotta and me are offering a one day workshop in Berlin on 28. Jan 2023.
For further information or to sign up, please get in touch with us here:

On 12/13 November, Carlotta Viviani and me met Vincent Den Hengst and some of his students and friends in the picturesque, centuries-old university town of Utrecht. All three of us signed up to participate in the Championships of the STN Taijiquan Nederland.

The STN (Stichting Taijiquan Nederland) takes place every November. It was founded in 1982, and this year it’s been the 40-years anniversary. We were happy to score in these categories:

– Fixed Step Push Hands – Carlotta: 3rd place
– Fixed Step POush Hands – Vincent: 3rd place
– Individual Form, Chen Style – Carlotta: 2nd place
– Group Form: Carlotta, Vincent, Sven: 3rd place

Thanks to the STN Taijiquan Nederland for inviting us, and to Vincent and his friends, especially Lucas, for the wonderful hospitality!

Dear All,

we’d like to announce the 2nd Online Workshop in German language, taking place on 28 Feb 2021, 2pm – 5pm GMT +1.
Please spread the word to everyone who might be interested. We will cover basics as well as some details, so it will suit beginners as well as advanced students.
The admission is free 🙂 Thanks a lot, c u soon!

Please sign up here:


Sven & the Berlin Taiji PM Team

The Berlin/German branch of Practical Method would like to announce a free online workshop via Zoom, in german language.

For sign up, please go here:

and see this clip to get an idea:

Thanks for sharing to anyone who might be interested, and thanks to Master Chen for inspiration!

Being asked a question during this class, Master Chen pointed out that he seems to be giving contradictive information from time to time, e.g. to inviting us to ask questions and then saying: ‘You shouldn’t ask that kind of question’.

Read more

On 7. Oct 2020’s online class, Master Chen talked about the first 2 layers of the positive circle.
The 1. layer is horizontal, with only the hand going back and forth.
The position of the hand should be slightly higher than the shoulder, and much higher than the elbow. ← →
The 2. layer adds a vertical dimension to the circle (to the above action), by moving up and down.
This up-and-down-movement can only come from the shoulder & kua.
The dropping of the front kua takes the front hand elbow with it (downwards), the dropping of the rear kua takes the front arm with it (sideways).
The rear foot pushes into the dantian. The power is from the dantian. ↓↑
Combined, the horizontal ← → and vertical ↓↑ action will display these two layers and the hand will appear to be moving, although it is not.

This year, with Master Chen Zhonghua’s 9th Berlin workshop, we’re celebrating 10 years of the Practical Method in Germany. Anyone who’s interested in participating in this anniversary workshop, please click here for further information and sign up:


Looking forward! 🙂

Today we took part in the International Huo Yuan Jia Memorial Martial Arts Club Championship in Bernau, Berlin Read more

To anyone who’s interested in participating in this year’s Berlin workshop with Master Chen, please click here for further information and sign up:


Looking forward to seeing you there 😀



From the 9th to 11th of September 2018, Master Chen and Mister Wang Xin, a big regional liqour manufacturer, took us to Chenjiagou (Chen village), the birthplace if Chen Style Taijiquan!
Read more

After returning from Tai An, unfortunately I caught a cold, so I stayed home a couple of days to sleep it off…

eventually, some good ol’ chinese noodle soup did the trick 😉



So I could enjoy the Rizhao sunrise again…

Read more

In the night from 19th to 20th of August, I arrived on Daqingshan. After I slept of my jetlag, there’s been an early morning gathering for some radio station interview on the 21st. Read more

 PMWLM003Hej y’all!

over the turn of the year, we found new rooms for our friday evening training, and we are contineously exercising ourselves in free and half free push hands sessions each fortnight on monday evenings!
People drop in regularly to get an idea of what the practical method is about, which motivates both me and the Berlin team (Carlotta, Kerstin and Lutz) to keep up the work and spread news about the system. Also, people from other european countries come by from time to time, and we hope we can assist.
Here’s some photos of this years training so far… Read more

15 years back…

luckyMeIn 2003 I moved to Berlin and started practising Taijiquan when meeting Veit Voigt who taught Wu Style Taijiquan, which he learned from Master Ma Jiangbao. In 2005 I changed to Chen Style Taijiquan, as I had been introduced to Juergen Herkt, who taught the ‘Lao Jia Yi Lu’ by Master Chen Xiaowang. Juergen Herkt died in 2009. Then, I was by myself for one year without someone guiding my training.

In 2010 my attention was brought to Michael Winkler. At that time he was just about to change his training entirely to Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method as taught by Master Chen Zhonghua. Throughout the years, Michael Winkler had been able to host Master Chen Zhonghua in Berlin once a year for workshops and private trainings which I joined, and I also took part in a summer camp in Italy with Master Chen Zhonghua in 2012.
Read more

“…You also need
To have good friends
With friends
You can help each other…”
– Hong Junsheng, from Learning


We are glad to announce that the second European Practical Method Meet-up will take place in
Berlin on the first weekend of March 2018 (3rd & 4th).
Please let us know if you’re coming, as soon as possible (deadline January the 8th), so we can book
an appropriate training hall and organize a daily schedule.
The event is free, but there will be costs to share for the hall. The sooner you register the sooner we
can book, the cheaper it gets.
Registration is done simply by emailing us to
If you are not from Europe you can join anyway, of course 🙂
This get-together is for all PM practitioners. It is not a workshop, but rather a training together to
exchange our experiences.
So there will be no teaching for beginners. That means you should know at least
the first 13 moves and the core foundations. You can struggle through the rest of the Yilu with us.
If you need more information feel free to ask us (



Berlin_2017_Disciple1Dear All!

Close to the completion of my 43rd year in life, Master Chen Zhonghua kindly accepted me as one of his disciples, during the 6th Berlin workshop on 17./18. June 2017.

I am very grateful and like to say thank you especially to Michael Winkler, who encouraged me to keep up the training and who handed over the Berlin/Germany business to me in 2016.

I’d also like to thank Brennan and Pawel,  as well as the Berlin Team Carlotta, Kerstin and Lutz. I am looking forward to promote the practical method system in Berlin, Germany and Europe.

Kind regards,
