Over the next six years, I began to train and dive deeper into the system, hoping to one day be able to replicate that feeling with my own body. However, before I was able to achieve it, I felt like I had reached a point where my progress was stagnating. Thus, I signed up for shifu’s weekly push hands zoom classes at the start of this year, and also accompanied him to Indonesia after the Singapore Practical Method workshop. The year is not over yet, but I would say it has been very fruitful thus far. It’s not an overstatement to say that my understanding and improvements this year were much more than the past four years, barring the first year when I was still a beginner picking up the system. This article serves to pen down and share my training experiences in the Practical Method system, while hoping that it might also aid others along the same journey.
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Your experience mirrors my own and it’s great that you can write it down so clearly. I started in 2016 also, and wasted a lot of valuable time negatively judging his teaching against my previous learning. I’m glad you recognized your barrier while you’re still young.
Thanks for your compliment Steve. Many of my peers also struggle with the issue of conflicting instructions from their previous backgrounds and had to take some time to correct them. I’m lucky in the sense that I did not practice any other forms of martial arts, and hence have no additional “baggage”. Regardless, I believe this is a process that most of us will go through at some point, and I feel becoming “uneducated” will help to improve our learning. The beauty of the system is that age doesn’t matter. As long as we practice consistently, we can always get better.
Great write up and really good self awareness. I’ve just started this year myself and it was a good insight to how I can approach this method to help me progress better.
Thank you. Hope it helps and all the best in your taiji journey!
Thank you Franklin, for your clear insights into your learning journey. I feel I am starting to relate to the issues you raise, now in my 8th year! But knowing others can break through with my similar problems, gives me hope.
Thank you Paul. Sometimes it’s that “a-ha” moment that comes unexpectedly. As long as we don’t give up, I believe there will always be hope for it to happen one day. Good luck and all the best!