Timeframe: Until 2023 North American Practical Method Training Camp
1. Improve lower body structure and functionality
- Train power on the inside of the legs
- Switching feet drills
- Stepping drills with rubber cord
2. Creating a bie in push hands.
- Recognize it in the forms
- Create it on first touch in push hands
- Drill it in applications
- Add a scissors component to pushing and drills.
3. Create rhythm in push hands
- 1-2 better yet 1-2-3 rhythms
- Drill sections of cannon fist
- Sand bag and long pole training
- Look for the end of the opponent’s move then apply a rhythm change during push hands.
4. Yilus
- With stretch from armpit to kua.
- Sequentially get lower
- Stretch from bai hui to hui yin
- Done so in a segmented manner
- Done full
- Done not moving the outside
- Elbow in hand, rear kua in hand, rear heal in hand
5. Cannon fist
- Focus on not moving the dantien
- Speed and crispness
- Attention to footwork
6. Review
- Camp Videos and make necessary Addendums.
- Continue to add addendums with adherence ongoing classes.