Presenter: Kelvin Ho Length: 58 mins Difficulty: 3/5 Language: English  
Year: 2022 Location: Toronto, Canada
16. Lean with Back (Bei Zhe Kao)
17. Fist Cover Hand Downwards (Xia Yan Shou Chui)
18. Step Up to Push with Two Hands (Jin Bu Shuang Tui Shou)
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*** Personal notes on the video instructions ***
– All pinyin is written in full capitals with tone indicated as a number following it (easier to lookup if you want the corresponding character later).
– These notes reflect what I understood from the class. I share them to incentivize people to watch the video and do not in any way constitute a replacement for it. When you watch the video, you will definitely pick up things I didn’t.
Acronyms used in the notes:
– LF = Left foot
– RF = Right foot
– LN = Left Knee
– RN = Right Knee
– LL = Left Leg
– RL = Right Leg
– LK = Left KUA4
– RK = Right KUA4
– LH = Left Hand
– RH = Right Hand
– LE = Left Elbow
– RE = Right Elbow
– LS = Left Shoulder
– RS = Right Shoulder
– LA = Left Arm
– RA = Right Arm
– CL = Chest centre line
– TH = Top of the head
– PC = Positive circle
– NC = Negative circle
– CB – Shovel Out / Shovel Step (CHAN3 BU4)
– XMB – Small horse stance (XIAO3 MA3 BU4)
– ZMB – Left horse stance (ZUO3 MA3 BU4)
– YMB – Right horse stance (YOU4 MA3 BU4)
DENG4 – Arch underneath the crotch – the Chinese word for bench
1. Theory:
.. 1. Movement:
……1. Punch up
…….. 1. Stretch the RE back to the CL
…………1. LH touches the RE
…………2. Stretch LH over the RE
…….. 2. RH-LS line the chest stretch with the RE as the pivot
…………1. Lock the RE
…………2. Stretch the RH out with the backhand towards the top right corner (roughly eyebrow level)
…………3. LE on the same line, pulling back like in a bow and arrow
…………4. Pivot is the RE
………….. 1. Both the RH and the LE are on the same line
………….. 2. The movement needs to be such that the hand and shoulder are in this line
………….. 3. The RE should not be pulled back or propelled forward.
…………5. Create a stretch in a spiral, with the RH fist in clockwise and the LS going back in counter-clockwise (forms an “S” shape or a corkscrew)
…….. 3. Movement needs to be performed with the chest caving in
……2. Downward punch covering hand
…….. 1. Open
…….. 2. NC with both hands
…….. 3. Close to face
…….. 4. RH (as a fist) slides to the top of the RN. Meanwhile, the LH is in front of the tummy
…….. 5. Stretch RH against the CL (middle of the chest)
…………1. Stretch downwards in the line
…….. – Application: a person is caught above the RL
…………- Attention point: Don’t move the RH: it needs to be locked.
…………..- The movement comes indirectly from the chest opening that propels it forward.
…………..- Need to be in control of how much torso rotation you’re doing
…………….- rotation should be added after, only once we’re able to distinguish rotation and the stretching between fist and chest (so not now)
……3. Movement: Double Push Hands
…….. 1. Hand out in a Right PC
…….. 2. Pull RF forward with a rotation
…………1. yourself from the DENG
…………2. All the way to turn 90 degrees
…….. 3. Land turned 45 degrees, RF on toes
…………1. DT is crunched (will be used later)
…………2. Cave the chest in (backward and down) away from the tip of the fingers. This stretch keeps PENG2 on the body
2. Movement corrections
.. 1. When doing the back-fist, lock the two knees. They should not move.
……1. Stretch and do a “long elbow in” in the transition for the back-fist
…….. 1. More Stretch = More power
…….. 2. Squeeze the RH out
……2. Keep RS low (no popping up). Popping up means the power will leak.
.. 2. In double push hands, the fingertips point a little downwards, with first and elbows not bent
……1. Keep the head up as well
.. 4. Additional exercise:
……1. Pulling to the turn for double push hands:
…….. 1. Stretch out DENG and stretch the side of ankles rising up to the knees. Open the back of the knee.
…….. 2. Need to pull from the underneath of both tights (hip adductors?).
…….. 3. Need to pull and move to the front leg. Initially will feel like falling down.
…….. 4. Related exercise: Do a BMB, pull the front elbow towards the back foot, and back knee towards the front hand.
…………1. Can’t toss, need to be fixed in the state
…………2. Need to keep front knee fixed (also, the front hip can’t be going forward either)
…………3. It’s not about doing it quickly, but rather it’s about holding the rod formed by the front foot to the head.
…………4. Gradually do it lower. It will be more difficult (but can’t compromise the requirements not to move)
*** Personal notes on the video instructions ***
– All pinyin is written in full capitals with tone indicated as a number following it (easier to lookup if you want the corresponding character later).
– These notes reflect what I understood from the class. I share them to incentivize people to watch the video and do not in any way constitute a replacement for it. When you watch the video, you will definitely pick up things I didn’t.
Acronyms used in the notes:
– LF = Left foot
– RF = Right foot
– LN = Left Knee
– RN = Right Knee
– LL = Left Leg
– RL = Right Leg
– LK = Left KUA4
– RK = Right KUA4
– LH = Left Hand
– RH = Right Hand
– LE = Left Elbow
– RE = Right Elbow
– LS = Left Shoulder
– RS = Right Shoulder
– LA = Left Arm
– RA = Right Arm
– CL = Chest centre line
– TH = Top of the head
– PC = Positive circle
– NC = Negative circle
– CB – Shovel Out / Shovel Step (CHAN3 BU4)
– XMB – Small horse stance (XIAO3 MA3 BU4)
– ZMB – Left horse stance (ZUO3 MA3 BU4)
– YMB – Right horse stance (YOU4 MA3 BU4)
DENG4 – Arch underneath the crotch – the Chinese word for bench
1. Theory:
.. 1. Movement:
……1. Punch up
…….. 1. Stretch the RE back to the CL
…………1. LH touches the RE
…………2. Stretch LH over the RE
…….. 2. RH-LS line the chest stretch with the RE as the pivot
…………1. Lock the RE
…………2. Stretch the RH out with the backhand towards the top right corner (roughly eyebrow level)
…………3. LE on the same line, pulling back like in a bow and arrow
…………4. Pivot is the RE
………….. 1. Both the RH and the LE are on the same line
………….. 2. The movement needs to be such that the hand and shoulder are in this line
………….. 3. The RE should not be pulled back or propelled forward.
…………5. Create a stretch in a spiral, with the RH fist in clockwise and the LS going back in counter-clockwise (forms an “S” shape or a corkscrew)
…….. 3. Movement needs to be performed with the chest caving in
……2. Downward punch covering hand
…….. 1. Open
…….. 2. NC with both hands
…….. 3. Close to face
…….. 4. RH (as a fist) slides to the top of the RN. Meanwhile, the LH is in front of the tummy
…….. 5. Stretch RH against the CL (middle of the chest)
…………1. Stretch downwards in the line
…….. – Application: a person is caught above the RL
…………- Attention point: Don’t move the RH: it needs to be locked.
…………..- The movement comes indirectly from the chest opening that propels it forward.
…………..- Need to be in control of how much torso rotation you’re doing
…………….- rotation should be added after, only once we’re able to distinguish rotation and the stretching between fist and chest (so not now)
……3. Movement: Double Push Hands
…….. 1. Hand out in a Right PC
…….. 2. Pull RF forward with a rotation
…………1. yourself from the DENG
…………2. All the way to turn 90 degrees
…….. 3. Land turned 45 degrees, RF on toes
…………1. DT is crunched (will be used later)
…………2. Cave the chest in (backward and down) away from the tip of the fingers. This stretch keeps PENG2 on the body
2. Movement corrections
.. 1. When doing the back-fist, lock the two knees. They should not move.
……1. Stretch and do a “long elbow in” in the transition for the back-fist
…….. 1. More Stretch = More power
…….. 2. Squeeze the RH out
……2. Keep RS low (no popping up). Popping up means the power will leak.
.. 2. In double push hands, the fingertips point a little downwards, with first and elbows not bent
……1. Keep the head up as well
.. 4. Additional exercise:
……1. Pulling to the turn for double push hands:
…….. 1. Stretch out DENG and stretch the side of ankles rising up to the knees. Open the back of the knee.
…….. 2. Need to pull from the underneath of both tights (hip adductors?).
…….. 3. Need to pull and move to the front leg. Initially will feel like falling down.
…….. 4. Related exercise: Do a BMB, pull the front elbow towards the back foot, and back knee towards the front hand.
…………1. Can’t toss, need to be fixed in the state
…………2. Need to keep front knee fixed (also, the front hip can’t be going forward either)
…………3. It’s not about doing it quickly, but rather it’s about holding the rod formed by the front foot to the head.
…………4. Gradually do it lower. It will be more difficult (but can’t compromise the requirements not to move)
3. Personal Reflections