Presenter: Kelvin Ho Length: 60 mins Difficulty: 3/5 Language: English  
Year: 2022 Location: Toronto, Canada
10. Second Closing-(Zai Shou)
11. Wade Forward in Twist Steps (Qian Tang Ao Bu)
12. The Fist of Covering Hand (Yan Shou Gong Chui)
13. Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Dui)
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*** Personal notes on the video instructions ***
– All pinyin is written in full capitals with tone indicated as a number following it (easier to lookup if you want the corresponding character later).
– These notes reflect what I understood from the class. I share them to incentivize people to watch the video and do not in any way constitute a replacement for it. When you watch the video, you will definitely pick up things I didn’t.
Acronyms used in the notes:
– LF = Left foot
– RF = Right foot
– LN = Left Knee
– RN = Right Knee
– LL = Left Leg
– RL = Right Leg
– LK = Left KUA4
– RK = Right KUA4
– LH = Left Hand
– RH = Right Hand
– LE = Left Elbow
– RE = Right Elbow
– LS = Left Shoulder
– RS = Right Shoulder
– LA = Left Arm
– RA = Right Arm
– CL = Chest centre line
– TH = Top of the head
– PC = Positive circle
– NC = Negative circle
– CB – Shovel Out / Shovel Step (CHAN3 BU4)
– XMB – Small horse stance (XIAO3 MA3 BU4)
– ZMB – Left horse stance (ZUO3 MA3 BU4)
– YMB – Right horse stance (YOU4 MA3 BU4)
DENG4 – Arch underneath the crotch – the Chinese word for bench
1. Theory:
.. 1. Movement:
……1. To lift a leg in the twist, you need to do a DENG4 stretch to bring the weight to the other leg so that we can lift it without tossing
……2. Move the right foot in step by step fashion
…….. 1. Open LL, and move RF but don’t transfer the weight yet. You can only transfer the weight after the RF has landed on the floor.
…….. 2. Break it down to avoid tossing, moving step by step to keep supported (another more advanced way is also possible)
.. 2. Movement: wade forward
……1. Hand goes through a tunnel
……2. Need to be stable
.. 3. Movement: Punch covering had
……1. Make sure you’re balanced when punching
……2. Can’t do a heavy movement on the top
……3. Want a stretch between the RH against the RF
…….. 1. Pivot on the toes
…….. 2. Stretch the heel towards the back
…….. 3. Don’t overdo the stretch that makes the RN point down (the stretch forces it point down, but the end state still has to keep RN pointing up)
…….. 4. Stretch causes twisting motion in the RL.
……4. After the punch
…….. 1. RE comes in and goes to the left side as much as possible to provide a stretch
…………1. At the same time, the LH goes out coming through the center and protects the face
…….. 2. RH is pulling on something strongly (like if you’re pulling a rubber band)
…………1. Keep the stretch between the RE and the RH
…………2. RH should extend as if pulling a rubber hand from a wall–there is no wiggling left/right (the move comes from the elbow, we say that the hand doesn’t move)
…….. 3. RE reaches the DT and wants to keep going there, and its pull is stronger than the RH. This force balance makes the RE get to the center. When the RH overcomes the RE pull and wins the force balance, it makes the RH go out.
…….. 4. When the hand is going out, cave in the chest (pull it away from the hand).
…………1. There is an elongation of the region around the side of RA (the upper arm, area of the biceps/triceps) through the shoulder and upper right chest.
…………2. You need to pull the RS in, do not let it pop out
…….. 5. Pull the body together, the hands do an NC pulling in with elbow as large as possible
…………1. However, since we constrain the hand movement, the net final movement is more subtle and not a large, exaggerated movement).
……5. Movement: pound mortar
…….. 1. When closing both hands together, do not let the shoulders pop out — keep them tucked in!
…….. 2. RK is tied to the RH, so we don’t move the RH, we raise the RK, and it moves the RH after
…….. 3. Don’t kick with the RF — you’re doing an RN strike
…….. 4. All of these movements come from a contraction of the DT
…………1. The contraction seems to be in the region spanning the lower-right abdomen to the right obliques
…….. 5. Do not lean back as the hand and foot come up
…….. 6. Keep the height the same throughout the movement
2. Movement corrections
.. 1. Turn and wade forward
……1. Stepping behind shouldn’t be too far back
……2. GOLDEN NUGGET: Make the turn but keep the weight on the forward leg (RL)
…….. 1. Do the DENG4 stretch to shift a little bit of the weight to the back to allow an adjustment of the RF
…….. 2. Make it a half YMB
……3. Screw motion from LH and LS guided by LE: will make the arm twist leading to a subsequent stretch
…….. 1. Step out and stretch LH against RF without collapsing the RK
.. 2. Punch is aligned with the center (RH aligned with the center of the chest).
……1. Pulling the RE in requires it to do a semi-circle
…….. 1. Because you’re pulling to the inside and the arm has a fixed length.
……2. When punching and doing the right-side stretch (RH-RF), all the LL is locked and doesn’t move. Locking avoids the power leaking out from that side
……3. Lock the wrist. The elbow is what causes the palm to go up. There is no movement on the wrist.
……4. Do not collapse the RK when doing the punch
3. Personal Reflections