2nd Daqingshan Hong Junsheng International Taiji Conference and Competition 2012

by admin on 2011/06/20


First Annual Daqingshan Hong Junsheng International Taijiquan Seminars and Competition

一、Dates and Location:

Daqingshan Mountain Resort for Taiji, Wulian County, Rizhao, Shandong Province, China May 16 to 19, 2012


  1. Daqingshan Mountain Resort


  1. Daqingshan International Taiji Training Center


  1. Taijiquan Associations, Wushu associations of provinces, municipalities, automomous regions, and pecial municipalities.
  2. Professional associations.
  3. Individuals

五、Competiton events:


  1. Required forms:Taiji competition forms in Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu/Hao, Sun, 42, 42 sword, Simplified 24, 32 taiji sword.

  2. Traditional forms: All styles, both form and weapons.

  3. Group forms: 6 and above per team (men or women or mixed). Less than 6 people deduct 0.2 per person. Form, weapons or mixed. Music is allowed. Music provide own music. Music cannot contain verses.

(二)Taiji Push Hands

Use Chen Village competition rules with changes. Proposed changes:

  1. Simplify scoring system. Score 1 or 2. Avoid controversay in scoring.

  2. 场地界限不在做为打分原则。出场后裁判叫停,做为另一个回合开始。屡次出场判分(考虑3次以上)
  3. 在抓脖子、后背等动作上作改善。

Register below:

会务费请交由您的领队统一安排。个人参加者请联系洪森13964091856。 如住在会议举办的场地大青山,食宿请径自联系大青山风景区电话15863399555。 食宿自理也就是住在大青山下的五莲县城,附近没有其它设施。敬请自行联系。
活动后期收费讲座每个老师讲座2天,每天6小时。允许不参加大会的人员只参加这个讲座活动。其它费用如食宿请自行和大青山旅游风景区宾馆联系。讲座老师的名单还会随时增加。敬请留意。 This event is after the conference. Each master will teach a 6-hr per day two-day session. The cost is ¥200.00. Hotel and food are not included.
每队6人以上(男女不限),6人以下每少一人扣0.2分。拳、械、拳械混合均可。可以配乐(音乐自备,不能带歌词)。同类拳种、器械集中编组。凡每一拳种、器械不足5人时均集中编为其他拳种、器械类。 Group forms: Each team is made up of 6 people (no gender restriction). If less than 6 people, deduct 0.2 for each person missing.

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