Taiji Master Han Baoli

by admin on 2011/01/05

Mr. Han Baoli was from Mingshui, Zhang Qiu, Shandong Province. He was born in March of 1936. From 1956 to 1960 he was in the army.  Then he went to work for the post office in Jinan. After retirement, he devoted his time to the promotion of Hong’s Taijiquan.

Mr. Han loved martial art since childhood. In 1966 through the introduction of his colleague (later taiji brother) Xu Guicheng he became of disciple of grandmaster Hong Junsheng. He was with his master for 30 years. He was a studious student and was liked by Hong. He received the true transmission. He possessed strong martial abilities. Mr. Han was an easy going person. He did not have school based biases. In his youth he was around the Jinan martial art circles with his master Hong. As a result, he received guidance from other martial artists such as old master Yan Chongren. His martial ability and his personality both received acclaim.

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韩先生不仅拳技精湛, 为人更为谦虚, 从不自满, 轻名利重友情。先生自80年代起受恩师洪均生先生的委托代师授拳, 奔波于济南、杭州、泰安、淄博、菏泽等地。跟韩先生学过拳的人有数百人之多, 有很多学者欲拜其为师, 他总是讲:”我是洪老师不成器的学生, 恩师尚在, 我不能收徒, 如果大家喜欢, 我们可以一起探讨。”为此, 韩先生身边有很多这样半师半友的关系相处几十年。 1996年洪先生逝后, 为能更好地传播洪派拳学, 增强学生的责任感 2000年元月, 在同门师兄弟的敦促和学生的要求下韩先生正式开门收徒。 主要入室弟子有:于杰祥、张生建、孙爱刚、朱建利、费永新、刘孝庆、刘开平、龚邻义、杨如金、高富宽、李昭、马菏东、马保国、肖跃利、丁少峰、李驻军、张文忠、许勇、张西安、吕红军、齐德仁、苏征、李冰、刘建军、杜维国、秦明、王柱、宋振野、徐酉生、闫建斌、张洪山、尹清震、宋刚、刘世勇、赵济滨、苏卫 东、汤启峰、李树梓、藤培华、吴钦军、王安生、刘英俊、康玉华、郭孝林、宋军、李云峰、赵方、闫效东、尚喜成、张建科、邵贤斌、付洪武、森田、尤丽莎等。 韩先生几十年来一直致力于洪派太极拳的民间传播工作, 培养了大批继承人, 学生当中具有实力者亦不乏其人。为使太极拳爱好者尽快掌握洪派系列功法 让更多的人受益 韩先生近期准备公开出版《洪派太极拳》系列光盘, 尽释洪派精髓, 回报于社会。 韩保礼先生不仅深研太极理法, 精于技击, 善于教学, 诲人不倦, 更于继承师法之中独具心得, 另有创新。 不断完善技法, 可谓洪派承前启后的一代明师。 来源:http://jinan.360nba5678.blog.163.com/blog/static/40691218200852310294287/

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

子龙 November 14, 2011 at 3:17 am

How are you, master. I am also from Zhangqiu. Where do you teach? I would like to learn from you.


admin November 15, 2011 at 8:33 am

Master Han Boli passed away already.


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