Author: Chen Zhonghua Length: 1:15 minutes Language: English Location: Victoria, Canada Chapters: 85 Year: 2003
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Chen Laoshi ni hao !
At the moment I just like to say thank you so much for all this support through the videos.
I’m very happy to be able to enjoy them. Although we did not meet in person I think, that I did start to learn a lot from you through the clips on youtube, some advices from Pavel in Prague and now with this detailed instructions in the videos here.
Thank you a lot and hope to see you soon – I’ll defenitly will try to take part in some of your workshops in the future.
I do Chenstyle Taijiquan also from a lineage of Chen Fake (Xiao Qinglin – Xiao Jimin), but Practical Method seems to be the most interessting thing I ever met in Taijiquan. Actually I think there is no choice for me, I have to check this method, because my practice already did change after watching your videos … it feels like a process which I cannot reverse anymore … there are lots of things you did describe which are sometimes very different from other Taiji, but I think they make perfect sense.
At the same time I did realise more and more, how superficial we are thinking about the main principles … I think, Practical Method and your stye of teaching can help a lot to improve our understanding. It helps to start to think not only in a “one dimensional way” (… I hope)
So hope to see you soon,
Best greatings from Berlin :-),
Michael Winkler
Michael, thank you very much for your vote of confidence. I often receive conflicting advice about my public teaching style. Many people think that by putting up too many clips on public spaces like youtube dilute my teaching. I am trying to following my teacher’s foot step in promoting the Chen Style Taijiquan to the world as best as I can.
I have heard about Grandmaster Xiao Qinglin but have not had the pleasure of meeting him yet.
Pavel spoke of you to me when he drove me from Hamburg to Prague in April. Now we have made contact I am glad.
Ohh – wo ye hen gaoxing – I’m also very glad to make contact with you here.
It is a pleasure and a honor for me to get a response from you in person so fast.
Diluting your teachings ? … hmm … cannot imagine what and how should be diluted in this way …
Of course I think, that you cannot learn Taijiquan just by watching videos, doesn’t matter how good they are. I think, we all need our teachers as real humans in front of us (… of course …).
I think it’s up to us, if this is diluting or not.
Anyway, for me all the material you are putting online for public and free is very inspirating.
And for all serious students I’m quite sure that this is a great additional support for the learning prozess.
Taijiquan ist very diffucult to learn, right ? So I think using the modern instruments to support learning is the best we can do with this technology (internet, videos, computers with this little features like “screenshot” and “slow motion”).
Especially for students who are learning from your students I think it’s just great to have the possibility to watch the same stuff demonstrated by the master himself. I think it’s often very diluting when you are NOT able to watch or experience the master himself, only his students.
Your teaching style in the videos to me seems very fast and intense. I like that, because with a little help of my computer (pause – screenshots – …) I’m able to get a picture of the 9-count circle now – hahaa.
So again, thank you very much for that. I think, you are using this modern tools for their optimum to promote your style worldwide. I met nobody else doing this, so far (no, I remember one, it’s the Beijing Yiquan Academy, but that’s all in Chinese – wo de zhongwen tai shao … I didn’t understand a very much on their YouTube Channel)
I feel “deeply invited” now to spend a lot of time with the videos you did post here.
At the same time, I got the feeling more and more that I really would like to learn “Practical Method”.
That’s why I thinking about what to do now.
So I like to ask you about the possibilities to take part in the upcoming Full-Time-Course on Daqingshan.
For me this year it is difficult to spend 3 month there, although I’d probably love to stay there for 3 years …
Is it still possible to go there for one month in July ?
And can you send me some more details about the programm ?
I’m working as a freelancer and in case I would have to manage some things, but July seems to be possible so far.
I would be really glad to spend some intense weeks training with you.
Nice greetings and best wishes,
Hello Master Chen,
I’m a Wing Chun student but because of your videos on youtube and on your website, I am developing an interest on Taijiquan. Especially the internal side of the art. I really appreciate your effort to promote such an important art and making available at a very affordable price your teaching through the videos. I hope we can organize a 4 days seminar in Utah and be able to learn personally from you.
Kind regards from Utah,
Franco Improta
Thank you very much! Please send a private message to workshop@chenzhonghua.com. I won’t have time this year but certainly will try next year.
Wow! I love that trailer.
Fortunately, the video is not quite so fast-paced. It takes time to tell you how to do the Yilu. What all the excitement is about is that it was the first video on Taiji anywhere from which you could actually learn Taijiquan. It is like having Chen Zhonghua standing in your living room teaching you personally. Plus, you have the ability to stop and practice then instant replay, A to B repeats, slow motion and so on. It really set the pattern for later videos.
If you are learning the Yilu, Yilu Detailed Instructions is the one you must have.
For a sample of the Yilu Detailed Instruction material, see my blog post: Chen Zhonghua Energy Alignment DVD.
I would HIGHLY recommend the following series for those interested in learning the Chen Practical Method: Yilu Detailed Instruction, Yilu Detailed Application, Yilu Energy Alignment.
It is a great instruction. Thank You very much!
Very impressive instruction-thank you for this. The more information I see from you, the more I would like to train in person with you. This is giving me a lot to work on until I can make that happen.
good that there is this man, Chen Zhongua, around with a really modern, conscious, open, sincere and practical approach
Could anyone tell me what is the name of the music that Master Chen used for the demo of the form at the beginning of this DVD? Thank you.
Salutations, There is such a wide range of instructions. What is reccomended as a first video to learn?
Basic Foundations: http://practicalmethod.com/2010/03/basic-foundations-dvd-trailer/
I tried to purchase the Yilu video via paypal but it says to use another card, mine is a mastercard. Any ideas I don’t have alternative credit cards other sites, Amazon etc. are ok
very good, thank you very much
Thank you, Master Chen! The instructions are very clear and this will help me a lot to get ready for Daqingshan training. :-)) !
I am extremely impressed by your skill, knowledge and teaching ability…very very impressive….I hope you hold a seminar in California near SF at some point. I would absolutely love to attend it.
This is the key to learning Practical Method!
Just thought I’d let you folks know that I’ve had this video for 3 years and probably watched it 60-70 times. Almost everytime I view it, I see/learn something new or a certain move or action becomes clearer to me. To me it is pure gold.
It is an Honor to be able to practice this Tai Ji.
A wise and Accomplished teacher once said; It takes 4 lifetimes to learn all that is in Martial arts. I Believe this system may shorten that time to maybe a lifetime or two. And if not , at least it gives the means to understand the physical relationship of movement and meridian. Of substantial and insubstantial.
It is a blessing to learn it.
like having Master Chen in your living room! Extremely well explained moves.
I started learning Yilu about two weeks ago and the inside of my knees (medial collateral ligament?) is aching. Is this normal, are my knees week and will strengthen over time, or am I doing something wrong?
Thank You,
Doing Practical Method correctly will not cause knee problem. For beginners, unfortunately, knee movement is unavoidable, which is the cause of pain in the knee.
You can try to use a yoga block in your training, try to get knee move less, eventually doesn’t move. I wrote an article a few years ago. Here is the link:
Ping, Thank you for the response and the article. I will use the exercise from the article to train with.
jkr – Ping’s advice is very good. Lots of basic foundations with knee against yoga block to stabilize it, and develop the mobility and strength required to open the kua and move without moving the knee as much.
where are you from? there is an authorized instructors list on the site, and if you have facebook search for a group called [ Don’t Move ] (i think the apostrophe must be entered between the N and T in ‘dont’)
studentofmethod – Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll start working the stabilizing exercises. I’m from MN. I don’t have a facebook account.
Jacob, both Levi Sowers and I are authorized instructors, and disciples of Master Chen Zhonghua, a couple hours south of you in Iowa. I am closest in Cedar Falls. My email address is john.upshaw@wfhc.org
John Upshaw
I prefer to have the instruction on a physical DVD or if a DVD is not available then please supply me with a downloadable version of the material. I do not have access to a reliable internet connection also I travel a lot with my work and I want to train whilst I am on the road.
The online video approach simply cannot work for me.
I am from Australia and my work is in remote parts of the country where there is no regular internet.
Best Regards
Alex Costa
Alex, once you have purchased the online version, a download link can be made available to you for the purchased video(s).
Hi Kelvin,
Where will I find the download link? are sending it to me via email or post in Myfolder. Also is there a way of specifying that my future purchases are also provided to me in either in DVD or downloadable versions.
Best regards
Please check your email
Excellent source for making sure physical positioning is correct. Sometimes I drift, and this focuses me back to the correct way to do the form.
Just bought it. Looks like a great video. Lots of emphasis on moving internally. I already have the newer Section I and II Yilu videos, but this one shows much that I hadn’t seen in the newer ones. If you’re trying to learn Yilu from videos I can’t say enough about these three. Steve Doob
Hi after i purchase the video, is it available for download? If yes, i don’t mind buying your videos. Sorry but the internet connection in my country is very bad.
Usually media download-plugins for your webbrowser should work.
I always did use the “DownloadHelper” for firefox.
Start the video in your browser, and then these plugins will detect the soure to download.
Try a bit, it’s worth to have them on your machines to be able to navigate through the videos much better. And you safe some energy as well
At 25:38 Master Chen says the move is is Brush Knee (摟膝), but I guess he meant to say Oblique Movement(斜行)? Also in the Opening Contents it says White Crane goes right to Brush Knee, but I think the period from 25:38-27:12 is actually Oblique Movement? Is this just a small mistake, or do you consider Oblique Movement to be a part of Brush Knee in this system?
Dear Master Chen,
this is my second try to get in touch with you. I am not sure you got my first message.
I saw your videos and got the impression that you are a very authentic person and teacher. I like the way you explain and teach.
I would like to meet you if possible this March in Germany. Is it possible to take part on your classes and perhaps receive private teaching?
Thanks for your reply,
Constantin from Germany
Thanks. Sorry I did not get your last message. Yes, you are welcome to my Berlin workshop! You can schedule a private with Sven. http://www.shiyongquanfa.cn/pm_school_view_school?id=64&button_type=Edit
Revisiting yilu….after my last private lesson with Master Chen, I reviewed my corrections. It has also lead me to go though the rest of my form I examining others corrections and by reviewing this online video.
Master Chen wanted us to comment on our current understanding of yilu. This is a small portion of what I think….though very significant:
The dang is full and round. The inside stays inside and the outside stays outside. In each movement in the yilu, only one body part moves at a time sequentially in a segmented manner, separation/isolation of movements/body parts is a must.
IMO, still the best place to start learning the form. Just outstanding!
Very recommended learning. The best Taichi teacher I have ever seen in life. Thank you for all Sifu Chen.
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