30 Years of Waiting

by Hong Sen on 2010/11/08

On Oct. 28, 2010 my taiji uncle Zhang Guangzong came to my father’s house for a visit. He solemnly presented a diary that he had kept for 38 years to me.

This little diary the size of a palm contains over one hundred pages of my grandfather Hong Junsheng’s Chen Style Taijiquan research manuscripts for the years of 1956 to 1962. There are a total of over 90,000 words in the diary. It contains writings on theory and techniques. In the theory section, he explained in plain words and scientific principle the many topics of concern in the field of taij in a dozen years. In the technique section he gave details of yilu training tips and application. This is truly a treasure to Chen Style Taijiquan of Jinan.

In order for this manuscript to go public, Mr. Zhang traveled far and wide and had extensive discussions with taiji brothers. In the end, he was able to make 20 copies in a friend’s place in Zibo. In the duplicate copies, Mr. Zhang added his own notes to the diary.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to him here.

About Hong Sen

洪森 洪均生先生之嫡孙一九六六年出生在中国山东济南市,一九八一年开始在济南黑虎泉学拳,获得2004年中国马鞍山“恒生杯”国际太极拳交流大会,传统陈式太极拳冠军。

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Chen Zhonghua November 8, 2010 at 1:24 am

Hong Sen, now you see what your grandfather’s disciples expect of you. I hope that you will live up to their expectations and carry on the Hong Junsheng lineage!


Jeff Higgins November 10, 2010 at 12:34 pm

Just curious, since I don’t read mandarin. What is going on with the book and two gentlemen talking?
Is this additional writings by GM Hong?


Chen Zhonghua November 10, 2010 at 1:01 pm

One of Grandmaster Hong’s disciples returned an early manuscript of Hong’s to the Hong family. I will translate the blog entry later.


Pavel Codl November 11, 2010 at 6:05 am

Treasure revealed, thats great!
Jeff: As I’m curious and weak in Mandarin as well. I’m using http://www.nciku.com/ for raw translation. Try it….just copy and paste.


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