“Cannon Fist Detailed Instructions 2003” Online Video Purchase
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 69 mins Difficulty: 3/5 Language: English
Year: 2003 Location: Edmonton, Canada
Cannon Fist also known as Erlu is the next form students learn after mastering Yilu.
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{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
Hallo i have big problem with loading of this video.
First loading is very slowely at the begining and then in the midlle mayby in 25 minutes
video stop and goes from begining again.So thats no good because i can not see all so can you do something with or send me please money back to my web dollar side.
but sometimes it is good.So i dont know where is a problem:-(
Hi Zdenek, I moved the video to new server
Please can you change this player.I wrote you one time before that i have problem with loading of this video and then you chnge player and today you change again but you put it here the same wrong player like before was here.Why i have the same problem with loading..!!!!
Sorry everything is ok. one time was on my pc old player and now is the new one i dont understand. Sorry.
I can no longer access this file. Any suggestions.