When the body becomes accustomed to moving through the forms in a connected way, the structure of the body will naturally begin to tighten up. As a result, the over exaggerated stretching movements previously used to open up and recondition the body should be adjusted and made smaller and tighter. Read more
Shop : Online Courses : Level 3
1. Body parts requirements.
2. Energy Alignment.
3. Push Hands.
4. Taiji theory.
Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method pays a great deal of attention to the lines on the human body. No matter in the performance of the routines, or in push hands, the body will naturally form energy lines. Some lines are formed quite naturally while others are formed gradually only after specialized training.
One concept which seems to come up in almost every lesson and principle Master Chen teaches is connection. But what does “being connected” actually mean? How do we achieve it and what are the benefits of being connected? I think these are all important questions that any serious Chen Style Taijichuan Practical Method student needs to explore and understand in order to gain a deeper understanding of this complex art. While most practioners seem to focus on the external choreography of the art, which is the first step and the foundation of the Yilu, I think the answer to what connection is can only be found by focusing on what happens inside the body. Taiji is, after all, an internal martial art!

The human energy flows in the body in an organized way which we cannot see with the naked eye or feel by ourselves. The way the energy flows is defined in Taiji as Energy Alignment. This is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction). Please see Energy Alignment 2, 3, 4 for trailers Author: Chen Zhonghua. Length: 1:00 hour long Language: English Postures: 1-28 (sections 1 and 2)
Energy Alignment is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction).
Author作者:Chen Zhonghua 陈中华 Length: 1:09 hours 小时 Language: English 英文 Postures: 29-49 (sections 3 and half of 4)动作

Energy Alignment is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction). By: Chen Zhonghua 陈中华 Language: English 英文 Length: 43:41 Minutes分钟 Postures: 50-68 (finish section 6) 动作

Energy Alignment is a video series based on instructions of Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method Yilu Routine. There are four DVDs in this series. In terms of depth of knowledge, the instructions of this video series belongs to level three (one is basic choreographic learning, two is details of instruction).
By: Chen Zhonghua 陈中华 Language: English 英文 Length: 39:45 Minutes分钟 Postures: 68-81 动作
There are many important principles in Chen Style Taiji Practical Method. One of which is the principle of 45 Degree. I have heard Chen Zhonghua spoke of it many times since. After years of studying and discovering, I am realizing its importance. Read more
When Master Chen demonstrates push hands and he “pushes me out”, I sometimes feel subjected to an overwhelming push or pull. More often I feel subjected to a combination of a force and a strong twist. This combination seems to be even more difficult to counter act. Read more