Tim Duehring

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Calligraphy Lesson, Rizhao Beach trips

Meeting with Rizhao PracticalMethod group

Meeting with Rizhao PracticalMethod group

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  I was wanting to write a quick article and ask a question on a concept that has been eluding me for some time. One of the last times I was on the mountain (DQS Feb 2015), Master Chen briefly talked about and covered a way of thinking about our body directions that has had me in deep thinking, and I cannot seem to fully understand yet.

More students has arrived for the competition

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Master Chen is on three weeks trip to China to attend several events. First is at Tan Cheng for workshop and school opening with Master Wang DeYou

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Our first foreign students of the year have arrived. Thanos is from Greece and his wife Carolina is from Mexico.

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front2 We had an artists show today. The artists were all from Rizhao.
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photo 2 (2)We have more than fifteen student from outside China arrriving from Singapore, United States, Canada, Poland, Germany, India, Poland, Australia, Belgium.

Last night, Lilli Keller gave us a preview of the fire dance she will perform during our Conference and competition next weekend. Read more

Milwaukee Blog i

Erwin Ramthun maintains a blog that covers the activities of the Milwaukee branch at http://milwaukeechen.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html

GroupWe are pleased to announce the return of Master Chen Zhonghua to the Upper Midwest, specifically Iowa, for a weekend workshop. We will cover foundations, form corrections, applications and push hands. These workshops are for everyone interested in learning taijiquan. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to learn. Hope to see you there.
Iowa Pratical Method Poster 2013.ai

This is a video of Brennen Toh doing Yilu while his arms are restricted by a rubber cord. It helped to reduce his tossing quite a bit.

While I was waiting in Weifang I thought I would take a walk and check out the Kite Museum. An hour later I and my suitcase arrived only to find out they were closed for the day. So I decided it was a good place for an Yilu before heading back to the train station.

There will be an Upper Midwest Get Together on March 2 and 3, 2013 in Milwaukee, WI. Levi Sowers and John Upshaw will lead. Erwin Ramthun of the  Milwaukee-Hunyuan Taiji Academy will be the host. Levi and John are disciples of Master Chen Zhonghua. Tentatively, we will run the class from 10am until 12:30 and break for lunch. Then continue until 5pm. Topics to include, Chen Practical method foundations, yilu form sections 1 and 2, theory, and a lot of applications. For more information contact Erwin, John or Levi. Read more

This was supposed to be a video from the Staff on Daqingshan, but I got called back to the USA before we could record it, so you will have to put up with my solo version.  Read more

The staff here at Daqingshan have finished the form, now they begin the process of refining and correcting and practicing, lots of practicing.

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The event that originally was centered around a push hands workshop featuring Steven Chan has been reduced to an Upper Midwest Get-together hosted by John Upshaw in Iowa City, Iowa. These are great learning experiences that include a lot of sweat, bruises, and push hands followed by good food and great camaraderie. The get-together will start around 1:30 PM on Friday December 7th. There will be more fun and learning opportunities on Saturday and Sunday. If interested give John a call at 1-(319) 404-3962 or email him at johnnyupshaw@yahoo.com


Levi Sowers and J. R. Clevenger attended the Midwest CMA Championships in Columbia Missouri. They had a good showing in representing the Practical Method. Levi Sowers won a gold in form, fixed step pushhands, and sword (he was the only sword so that does not count). J.r. Clevenger got silver in restricted step , form, and moving step. They both lost to Stephen Taylor in moving step, who trained on the mountain this year.

Milwaukee-   has a new Website, http://milwaukeechen.blogspot.ca/p/about.html Please visit for updated information on classes, times, schedule changes and special events. Erwin Ramthun and Jon Gardner have taken over the duties of teaching and sharing Hunyuan and Practical Method Taijiquan in the Milwaukee area.

Master Chen and I arrived on the 28th. There are around 30 people registered this year, there is still time to join us.

Master Chen Zhonghua’s 2012 schedule:
Apr 29 – May 25, 2012
June 22-August 25

More info here


We had a great time this past weekend. A lot of sweat was shed but no blood. Everyone gained a lot in understanding and ability. A special “Thank You” goes to John Upshaw and his family for hosting us. Here for your delight and critique is our group doing the 1st 13. Midwest Practical Method Yilu

We will be having a get together on the weekend of January 7th, 2012. All are invited.  The Midwest clan will be gathering again in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Read more

We will be having our summer get together the weekend of July 23 and 24 at Pikes Peak State Park in McGregor, Iowa. We will be working on Yilu forms, foundations, applications and push hands. All skill levels are invited to attend. There are motel/hotel rooms available in McGregor, but it is advisable to book early, McGregor is a casino town and the rooms are usually full. One can also check for rooms in nearby Marquette and Guttenberg, Iowa. There are camping spots available at the park.  http://www.iowadnr.gov/parks/state_park_list/pikes_peak.html For more information, contact John Upshaw (319) 404-3962.

You are invited i

You are invited to join us at several events we will be attending this Summer. The first one is the 4th Chen Style Taijiquan Competition being held in Schaumburg, IL on May 22nd. The 2nd event is the AAU-CMA Nationals being held in Louisville, KY (Derby City) on July 9th. The 3rd event will be a weekend of Taijiquan in Iowa. We haven’t locked down a location for this yet. The 2 we are working on is Pike’s Peak Park on the Mississippi River and Cedar Rapids. We will update this when we settle on a location. For further information contact me via email: tduehring@gmail.com for call me: 414-807-9402.


On April 9th there was an AAU Chinese Martial Arts Tournament in Columbia, MO. I was invited as a judge and Levi Sowers and one of his students Read more

The Upper Midwest Hunyuan Taijiquan Academy Association is inviting you to join some of our members in participating at the AAU-CMA Columbia Midwest Super Regional on April 9th in Columbia, MO. In order to enter you must first join the AAU. Info is available here: http://aauchinesemartialarts.org/Home.aspx. It costs $40 to join. The event costs $45 to enter for 3 events, if you want more they are $5 per event extra. Here is a link to the Facebook page for the event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=135502086509556. Any questions you can contact me at tduehring@gmail.com or The organizer at shifugregb1@gmail.com, or call at 573-489-9150

Qigong Lecture 3

I will be traveling to Iowa to give a work along lecture on Qigong on the 26th of February. This lecture will be an Introduction to Qigong and how it can help people maintain their health in this stressful society. The lecture is to be held at Waverly Public Library, 1500 West Bremer Avenue, Waverly, IA 50677 and will start at 10:00AM
http://m.google.com/u/m/xuc0bY. I will be assisted in the lecture by John Upshaw. This event is open to all. No experience needed. Call +1 319-404-3962 for more information.

In the afternoon we will be holding a mini Practical Method Workshop in Cedar Falls at University of Northern Iowa: Wellness & Recreation Services, 2301 Hudson Road, Cedar Falls, IA Read more

I will be offering a Children’s qigong class on Saturday afternoon February 12th starting around 1:00 PM at Zablocki Library in Milwaukee, WI. Parents and adults are invited to attend and join in on the play.

I will be traveling to Lansing Iowa on November 13th to lend my limited experience to my brother taiji players in Iowa. Read more

Hunyuan Taiji Academy – Milwaukee is having a Practical Method training session on Saturday July 31st.
The location of the get together is the Prairie du Chien, WI/McGreggor, Iowa area on the beautiful Mississippi River.
Time will be an afternoon and evening session on Saturday and a Sunday morning session.
Hope you can make it, it should be a lot of fun.
More details available on request.


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Originally written by: Tim Duehring

Another great workshop given by Joseph and Richard. It seems that every time I go to a basic introduction workshop I end up with information overload. We worked on circles and I gained some new insight. Some day in the future I may be able to do one almost correctly.

It was good to get reaquainted with some old friends and make some new ones. Richard and his family were wonderful hosts and Master Chen continues to amaze us with his ability to make this mysterous art understandable.

The only bad thing for this Northern boy was the heat and humidity.