Keep the vertical line straight

by Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy on 2015/07/20

35-4-2Taught Allan Belsheim and Ricky Pietila in the Edmonton studio how to keep the body straight while making the rotation in these moves. These are moves 35 and 36, Punch to the ground and then turn right (to double kick).


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35-1a 35-2a 35-3a 35-4-2 36-1a 36-2a


About Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy

Chen Style Taijiquan 19th generation disciple. International Standard Bearer of the Practical Method system of Hong Junsheng. Second generation master of Hunyuan Taiji. Been teaching internationally since 1985. Educated in the West with a Master's Degree in Education. Highly accomplished through the lineage of two great masters. Disciplined, precise and powerful. He teaches a complete system of taiji based on the principle of yin yang separation; indirect power as a core concept; movement and tranquility as the source of action. In both theory and practice, his taijiquan deals with the problems of double-heavy. He is a real treasure of the heritage of taijiquan.

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Rickygene July 22, 2015 at 10:19 pm

This was a great lesson, as it involves much more than meets the eye, and opened up a topic of learning method involving specific words and following instructions, that I’m just now starting to get a grasp on. While learning these moves, Master Chen was showing and helping us place our body in different positions related to the principles of ‘Punch to the ground and turn right (to double kick). One of these involved stretching the body out very far, concaving the chest, dropping the shoulder of the hand that was in front (right hand in this case), dropping the rear kua and placing the opposing side foot (left) behind you to feel the power of this type of structure. Allan and I had been repeating Punch to the ground for about a half hour before this next level of training was given, so our bodies where warmed up, but not sure my brain was. :).

While Master Chen was standing in front of me telling me where to place all of the above body parts in attempts to get me into the structure, he told me to ‘put your foot back there’. At this point I couldn’t move or compute what he was saying because he was pointing horizontally at the back wall behind me. He then had to say it two more times before I knew I needed to make some attempt to follow the instruction. So I lifted my foot off the ground in a ‘back kick’ style posture in the direction to where he was pointing. And without any consequence he then said ‘ok, now put your foot on the floor’, and continued the lesson as if I had done nothing out of the ordinary (I’m grateful for this).

After returning to self practice time and reviewing his words and the lesson in my mind, I suddenly burst out laughing realizing what my natural instinct was to do, vs what he really wanted me to do. I over thought the instruction far beyond its simple meaning. My foot was already on the ground, I should have just moved it back as told, but instead I was so intent on being accurate, I could not truly hear the instruction and offered an off base interpretation.

I’ve often heard Master Chen say ‘When I mean this, I only just mean this’. It never hit me so clear than in this lesson, after hearing that quite a bit through the last few years. I’ll do my best to not over analyze and over think in the future. Following instructions is what where told to do, actually allowing ourself a to do so isn’t as easy as I thought! Anyone else have any experiences like this or want to expound on the subject of following instructions?


Rickygene July 24, 2015 at 2:12 pm

Great addition of the video to this lesson MC! Those vertical and horizontal lines really help to see where body parts are supposed to be in relation to the ground and other body parts! Thanks!


pingwei July 24, 2015 at 2:36 pm

Saw the difference.


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