How I got to train Taijiquan Chen Style Practical Method

by Sven Carl Gusowski on 2018/01/07

15 years back…

luckyMeIn 2003 I moved to Berlin and started practising Taijiquan when meeting Veit Voigt who taught Wu Style Taijiquan, which he learned from Master Ma Jiangbao. In 2005 I changed to Chen Style Taijiquan, as I had been introduced to Juergen Herkt, who taught the ‘Lao Jia Yi Lu’ by Master Chen Xiaowang. Juergen Herkt died in 2009. Then, I was by myself for one year without someone guiding my training.

In 2010 my attention was brought to Michael Winkler. At that time he was just about to change his training entirely to Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method as taught by Master Chen Zhonghua. Throughout the years, Michael Winkler had been able to host Master Chen Zhonghua in Berlin once a year for workshops and private trainings which I joined, and I also took part in a summer camp in Italy with Master Chen Zhonghua in 2012.

As the Winkler family left Berlin in 2015 to move to Daqingshan Training Center in China, Michael handed over the training to me entirely in 2016 after I came back from my first training on Daqingshan.

During the 2017 Berlin workshop, I became disciple of Master Chen Zhonghua, and since then I am representing Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method in Germany. Also in 2017, there has been the first European meet up in Vienna, Austria, which we would like to continue and establish as an annual event in the coming years. I consider myself very lucky having all these events and people crossed my path, I can hardly imagine who I would be if I hadn’t. I am very grateful, and I’m looking forward to more experience and to meeting fellow practitioners on the mountain and in all other parts of the world.

Best regards, Sven


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