I have two notes about today’s exercise:
- I have new understanding about the three foundations. The following sample assumes right hand is front hand.
- All of them are in different forms, but the requirements are same in terms of how to apply rules and principles.
- The final result is also same: front arm and hand are squeezed and drilling out.
- Common rules to remember:
- Lock both knees
- Lock hand, shoulder and kua on the back side
- Head up to keep body up straight
- Do not twist wrist
- Ensure the whole body acts as one entity , and every part is connected and supporting each other. This is so called 整劲.
- Apply two major triangles:
- Triangle one: left hand, right hand and front kua. Bring front kua into the line connecting two hands.
- Triangle two: left hand, right hand and front shoulder. Two actions are involved in order to bring front shoulder into the line connecting two hands: a) Sink the shoulder; b)bring front elbow towards body center line(vertical). This action will typically leads to drilling effect (顺缠).
- Yilu correction by Kelvin Ho
- Turning during “Turn to double lotus” and “Turn left to pound mortar”
- Form a rod from shoulder to kua to heel on the turning side
- Turn front foot
- Turn front kua. This can be easily forgotten
- Head up to keep body up straight
- Dragon on the ground
- First step: move weight to left, keep body up straight (I was leaning toward) when close two arms
- Second step: apply fetch water to open arms