Iowa 2016 Private Lesson Notes

by charlie wishon on 2016/07/16

12002059_10153235764250369_8383787750689028218_nIowa 2016 day 1;

Align backward , never fight forward… feet are too close together, arms are as well. Shoulder needs to stay in the kua.

Full front kua in the line, align the arm . Then open the rear kua… the front kua,is always the filler, the rear kua is always the stretcher…
The end of every move must be totally straight. ” stay on the line”
Day two.

Seek the straight line in the circle. The practice is using the ni chan rotation in the positive circle.

Rotate at the bicep. Hollow the chest, bring the power to the rear foot, then stretch the hand.

It’s very hard to create the bite correctly to get into the line. Very easy to rotate too far. For the rotation to become a toss.

Using the hand in the push. The contact point is the pivot ( the hand)It cannot move forward…the split is created when the hand when the elbow goes straight down, and the power in the hand goes straight up the torso.


yilus , and erlu practiced. We all toss our upper bodies on engagement. The torso cannot move ! Rotate the muscles around the bones…

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