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First comment Master Chen has for me is to make my stance larger when we started with circles.
We went over the details of twist towel foundation:
1) arm shouldn’t move by itself
twist towel can be truncated by folding the arm, so only the leg to body – shoulder connection is trained.
2) back should be fixed in space, so the power from the leg curve back to the arm
we did leaning shoulder toward the wall to find connection from feet to the opposite shoulder
Yilu Lesson. Master Chen corrected a common mistake in the ‘Step Back to Double Shake the Feet’. Both arms has to exhibit the circle clearly. The left arm usually just a swing back and forth without shoulder rotation. To train the shoulder rotation, Master Chen told us to keep the elbow straight and just make circle from the shoulder without elbow motion.
Like in DaQingShan some local fighters came by to check us out!
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