Push Hands Patterns

by webmaster2 on 2007/12/07

Push Hands Patterns

Single Hand Patterns:

1. Dan Shou Ping Quan:Single Hand Horizontal Circle
2. Dan Shou Li Quan:Single Hand Spiraling and Rolling Circle
3. Xiao Bi Li Quan:Single Hand Forearm Vertical Circle
4. Da Bi Li Quan: Single Hand Arm Vertical Circle
5. Zhua Na Cai Lu Shou: Grasp, Catch, Cai and Lu Circle
6. Wai Zhou Ji Lu Shou: Outer Elbow Ji and Lu
7. Nei Zhou Ji Lu Shou: Inner Elbow Ji and Lu
8. Zuo You Ji Jian: Left and Right Shoulder Ji
9. Kua Kao: Kua Kao
10. Xi Kao: Knee Kao
11. 180 Du Kao: 180 Degree Kao
12. Zhuan Quan Kao: Kai While Turning

Double Hand Patterns:

1. Si Zheng Shou Peng Jin: Four Cardinal Peng
2. Si Zheng Shou Lu Jin: Four Cardinal Lu
3. Si Zheng Shou Ji Jin: Four Cardinal Ji
4. Si Zheng Shou An Jin: Four Cardinal An
5. Ding Bu Si Zheng Shou: Stationary Four Cardinal Push Hands
6. Huo Bu Si Zheng Shou: Moving Step Four Cardinal Push Hands
7. Shun Bu Shuang Tui Shou: Shun Bu Double Push Hands
8. Shun Bu Shuang Tui Shou (Also called Da Lu): Shun Bu Da Lu
9. Huo Bu Shuang Tui Shou: Moving Step Double Push Hands

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Oliver Richman July 21, 2024 at 8:26 am

Does any practical method school teach these fixed pattern push hands forms? I am trying to learn Push Hands and I am puzzled because so few people seem to want to teach or practice any of these forms. I have searched out more than 30 practical method push hands videos and I cannot find any with these patterns. I am confused, and I have become desperate! Any advice you have is appreciated.


Oliver Richman July 21, 2024 at 8:32 am

Does Practical Method teach these patterns? I need to learn push hands.


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