Sydney Workshop, December 7th-8th 2024

by Brian Chung on 2024/09/16

The Sydney Practical Method workshop will be back on Dec 7th to 8th, 2024. Discover Master Chen’s incredible Taiji skills and gain insightful guidance in your taiji journey. He has the missing piece that many people are looking for. New to the workshop? Prepare to be amazed. Returning participant? We look forward to training with you again.



Workshop: The 11th Sydney Workshop
Teacher: Master Chen Zhonghua
  1.  Saturday 7th Dec 2024 – 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 5pm.
  2. Sunday 8th Dec 2024 – 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 5pm.
Pat Brunton Room, Crows Nest Centre. 2 Ernest Pl, Crows Nest NSW 2065
Topics: Theory, Foundations, form (Yilu), applications and push hands
Fee: $389 for 2 days, $225 for 1 day.

Early bird discount before 8 Nov 2024.
Private Sessions: By Interest: Friday 16th Feb
By Interest: Monday 19th Feb
Location: Studio 2, Evolution Performance Centre. Level 1, 11-15 Falcon Street, Crows Nest NSW 2065
Public Transport: 5 minute walk from Crows Nest Metro station
Organiser: Sydney Chen Zhonghua Taiji Academy
Contact: Brian Chung
+61 423 035 857
Local Class:
Suggested preparation for first-timers, get yourself familiar with the following:

  1. Positive and Negative Circles: Two Circles of Taiji
  2. Yilu First 13 Moves: Chen Style Yilu 13 Moves



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