In the night from 19th to 20th of August, I arrived on Daqingshan. After I slept of my jetlag, there’s been an early morning gathering for some radio station interview on the 21st.
One day later I went to Rizhao, where Chen Xu is now teaching. Luckily, I also met Master Chen there!
As usual, he gave me new input on my training: lower stance to open up the body, create space between chest and upper arm; and he also introduced me to some local restaurants
Studio in Rizhao:
Evening training:
On 25th & 26th of August, Master Chen and some of us went to Tai An, as Master Chen was asked to hold a seminar for the local practical method training group there. Tai Shan (Mount Tai, one of the famous mountains in China):
Early morning session:
The Tai An Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method branch:
Tai Shan, view from the studio: