This is a book on Hunyuan Qigong and Hunyuan Taiji by Master Chen Zhonghua. It is an essential book for anyone practicing Qigong.
Its contents are mainly based on the Hunyuan Qigong of Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang and the personal experiences and explorations of Master Chen Zhonghua.
Table of Content and first few pages.
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Just bought the book, so no review so far. But if you would not receive email with pdf link, then reload page and link will appear!
Looking forward to read the book!
It is a very good read. Chen Zhonghua has a very big place in my heart. Non-the-less this book helps elucidate the miracle of life. And the struggle of our practice. The meaning of none of us have a chance, until we create one. Then help all others create one. Through Taiji we learn to create life, and help others do the same. Rarely sweet. We learn to enjoy bitter , yet stay sweet to others.
Wow! what an incredible book. I’ve been trying to get this book for a long time, but even used copies on Amazon were going for 120 $ +. And delivery to India would add another 50 $ or so!
The ebook edition is a great blessing, and very reasonably priced.
This is the clearest, no nonsense, book on Qigong and (Hunyuan) Taiji that I’ve ever read, with Master Chen laying out the principles in clear English, with solid explanations of ‘mystical’ concepts.
a great read.
Hi, I want to buy the book The way of Hunyuan. However, I do not see the option in the website or I do not how to do it. If you can help me or send the link to me I will appreciate it a lot. Thank you so much!
Unfortunately “The Way Of Hunyuan” is listed as temporarily out of stock. Hopefully the eBook will be available again sometime in the future.
Hi, I wanted to purchase the eBook about Huanyuan Qi Gong, as I am interested in his Qi Gong. Unfortunately it says that you have to purchase Web Dollars first before you can purchase the book. The book costs 20.– Web Dollars, but you have to purchase a minimum of 50 Web Dollars. As i am only interested in the book and not in other content i would have to pay $50.– for a book that costs $20.–. Are there any other possibilities to submit the payment and get the book?
Thanks! Urs
Urs, nach all den Jahren Training und Wettkampferfolgen, wie schätzt du selber dein Taiji ein?
Ich glaube, die 50 Tacken wären gut in Videos von Master Chen investiert, anstelle zu lesen, was andere schon so erreicht haben. Nur mit 50 Schleifen kommste nicht aus…
“Dantien Brathing” kann man eh nicht lernen. Das solltest du eigentlich wissen. Wenn nicht, hast du mit dem B
“Dantien Breathing” kann man eh nicht lernen. Das solltest du eigentlich wissen. Wenn nicht, weisst du es jetzt und kannst mit Foundations anfangen. Ich habe eines deiner Videos gesehen und habe so meine Meinung…
Die Knie kollabieren gleich bei ersten Buddha -> scheint so, dass die Kuas zu sind -> kein Peng -> kein Taiji!
Urs, du bist respektlos gegenüber Master Chen und seiner Schule und hast jahrelang bei jemandem trainiert der nix hat. Ich muß dir nicht in aller Öffentlichkeit und Direktheit sagen was du bist, oder?
Your teacher passed away recently, i just found out. This explains your motivation. Good luck !!!
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Chen Zhonghua