Review comment: Video mostly on detailed teaching of second half the circle. This “hand out” move will take some time to practice to do it per the requirement. It is important to get it right since it is one of the key connection changes to use the whole body instead of the shoulder to power the hand.
Some part of the video is out of focus due to using a new camera, so this video is priced at $5 instead of $10
1. Beginning. 2. Second half of the positive circle. 3. Kua movements.
Presenter: Chen Zhonghua Length: 25 min. In: English Year: 2012 Difficulty:3/5 At:Ottawa, Canada
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Although this video is a bit out of focus, it is a very helpful to let us know the second half of circle is leading the energy to the rear foot. First half of the circle is part of the first circle while the second half of the circle is part of the second circle and two halves do not make one circle, they belong to different time and space…
didn’t find the focus to be an issue…the content was very clear “better to know the root even crudely than to manage the branches skillfully” …the second half of the circle must be powered out by the rear 2/3 and must be a seperate and independent action from the 1st half..and the last piece about how to use the front kua as a fulcrum supported by the rear “stick” is one of the most useful tools to borrow the opponents energy from the top and feed it back in underneath them… appearing to retreat but simultaneously and stealthily sneaking in below and wedging them out bit by bit… great video thanks!
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Excellent detailed information on the spatial mechanics & vector forces present when doing the positive circle