About Fredericton Classes
Classes are offered in the Fredericton area (at St. Thomas University’s O’Keefe Centre). Check here for our current schedule.
New students are always welcome.
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Here with my teacher Kee Hong (right) and his teacher Chen Zhonghua (middle)
All classes are taught by Jean-Philippe Ranger, PhD (21st generation tudi of Chen Taiji, Head Instructor of the Fredericton Chen Taiji Practical Method Association)
Originally from Ottawa, Canada, I have been practicing Chinese martial arts since the age of 18. When I am not teaching Taiji, I teach Greek philosophy at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, NB, Canada.
1999 – present: Focus on Internal Martial Arts
- Summer 2012: Trained in an intensive full-time program with Chen Zhonghua at Daqingshan in China.
- Since Fall 2009: Teaching Chen Taiji Practical Method in Fredericton, NB.
- May-June 2008: Trained in an intensive full-time program with Chen Zhonghua in Edmonton, AB and Maple Ridge, BC.
- 2006-2009: Teaching Chen Taiji Practical Method and Shaolin in Conception Bay South, Newfoundland.
- Since 2004: I have decided to focus primarily on and dedicate my efforts to Grandmaster Hong Junsheng’s Chen Style Practical System and Push-Hands.
- 2003: Spent several months in Paris, France, where I met and trained with a “Taiji great-aunt,” Master Lac Lemy (Hunyuan Taiji).
- 2002: Became a 21st generation tudi (official student and representative) of Chen style Taiji under Kee Hong.
- 1999-2004: Focused primarily, although not exclusively on Grandmaster Feng’s Hunyuan Taiji and Qigong. Attended several of Chen Zhonghua’s workshops.
- 1999: Met my current teacher, Kee Hong (tudi of Chen Zhonghua), and was introduced to Hunyuan Taiji and Hong Junsheng’s Chen style Pratical Method.
1991-1999: Focus on External Martial Arts
- 2002: Appointed as the head-instructor of the Stonelion Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Association (which includes three branches: St-John’s, Newfoundland; Ottawa, Ontario and Montréal, Québec).
- 1998: During travels in Asia and Australia, I had the opportunity to meet and train with various teachers.
- Studied Tibetan White Crane with the Pak Hok Kung Fu International Association in Sydney, Australia
- Met and trained in Meihuaquan and Wujia Taijiquan with Chen Shaoying in Bangkok, Thailand.
- 1996-1997: Learned the Wu Style Taiji form at the Club de Judo de la Vielle Capitale (Quebec City).
- 1991: Co-founded the Stonelion Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Association at the University of Ottawa, with my teacher Mathieu Ravignat (acted as assistant instructor until 2002).
- 1991-2002: Studied Gu Ruzhang’s Beishaolin system with Mathieu Ravignat.
- 1991-1998: Studied Shaolin Wuxingmen (and Modern Arnis) at the Young Forest Kung Fu Club in Ottawa.
- 1991: Introduction to Chinese Martial Arts.
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I have recently discovered your Tai Chi classes in Fredericton and would like to come by to observe a class if that is possible.
I have trained Tai Chi and Kung Fu with Sifu Shi Yan Ming at the USA Shaolin Temple in NYC and am looking to continue training now that I am staying for a bit in Fredericton.
Be well