Originally written by: Xavier E. Santiago-Albizu Feb 1 2008
After reading Master Chen´s “Relaxation and Rotation” comment, I have the following question. When doing push hands would trying to apply concepts such as “neutralizing, listening, and adhering” still be getting into the opponents dimension?Thank you in advance,
Answer: Master Chen Zhonghua
Yes! The key words in your questions is “When doing push hands”. When doing push hands, you must only have actions, not concepts. Keep only in mind how to do the things that you have been practicing. This means that you only try to apply a technique, not a concept.
“Neutralizing, listening, and adhering” are concepts, not actions. These are the things that you “DON’T” know when you are pushing hands. At break time, or dinner time, you, your friends, or teacher might say, when you pushed that guy out, I could see that you neutralized him. So concepts are just an afterthought. A time delayed thing.
The dimension that I am talking about is physical. If your opponent pushes horizontally, you counter with a vertical move. If your opponent comes with force, you counter with no force. But again, don’t assume that you know the meaning of “vertical” and “no force”(use Search in this web to find definitions). They don’t mean exactly the same as the meaning of these words in English.
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I couldn’t find the comment Xavier mentioned, but this post has good notes on relaxation http://practicalmethod.com/2013/01/maple-ridge-notes-feb-16-17-2008-by-ian-macrae/